RefactoringCombos / ArlosCommitNotation

A notation for small commits messages that show the risk involved in each step
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Guidance for commit message regex #29

Open JayBazuzi opened 2 years ago

JayBazuzi commented 2 years ago

In GitLab under Settings -> Repository -> Push Rules you can set Require expression in commit messages. I assume GitHub has a similar feature.

A regex for ACN would need to be permissive enough to allow local extensions but require the extension.

Here's the regex I'm currently using: ^(([[:lower:]] )|([[:upper:]] )|([[:upper:]]!! )|([[:upper:]]\*\* ))|(\*\*\*).

When we add this guidance we could use CI to test it. Here are some test cases + questions:


arlobelshee commented 1 year ago

I like making a suggestion that people include a push rule.

I think v2 ( #43 as the first attempt ) should make that easier.

JayBazuzi commented 1 year ago

Cool. Once v2 settles and ships, I plan to send a PR with the regex guidance.