RefactoringCombos / ArlosCommitNotation

A notation for small commits messages that show the risk involved in each step
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Make it easier to learn Arlo's Commit Notation by incorporating the guide into `git commit` #44

Open alexbird-hunterindustries opened 7 months ago

alexbird-hunterindustries commented 7 months ago

While learning the commit notation, it's helpful to have this guide open when authoring a commit message.

This PR provides instructions for how to configure git to use this guide as a commit message template so it's visible in the editor when running git commit.

JayBazuzi commented 5 months ago

I like this idea but I worry about the duplication between this document and others. Got any ideas for fixing that?

alexbird-hunterindustries commented 5 months ago

I like this idea but I worry about the duplication between this document and others. Got any ideas for fixing that?

Hmm 🤔

On the one hand, since the main document changes so infrequently, it may be negligible. At some point V2 is published, and then I or someone else takes the time to create the new cheat sheet, and then we're good for the next few years.

But if we do want to deal with the duplication, here are some thoughts:

cat >
sed "s/^/# /" > .gitmessage