Refinitiv / Real-Time-SDK

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Code quality improvement of ETA.NET samples #229

Open vokounjan opened 1 year ago

vokounjan commented 1 year ago

First of all I would like to thank you for your work on the new Real Time SDK. We already use a solution based on RFA.NET in our organization, but we would like to use it on UNIX OS, so your work is very much appreciated.

However, I have been spending the last few days going through and working with the samples provided and I believe that there is quite a lot of room for improvement in the quality of the code which would significantly help other developers.

I had a similar experience a few years ago when I was working with samples based on RFA.NET, but the current experience is even more significant given the evolution of programming standards and the elegance of the new .NET (Core) framework.

I understand that samples are not meant to be production ready, but I believe that the following modifications would significantly help in understanding and therefore better adoption by other developers:

Thank you, Jan

L-Karchevska commented 1 year ago

@vokounjan We appreciate your feedback! An internal Jira was created to look into it.