RefugeRestrooms / refugerestrooms

REFUGE restrooms indexes and maps safe restroom locations for trans, intersex, and gender nonconforming individuals.
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Implement Google's No Captcha #172

Open tkwidmer opened 10 years ago

tkwidmer commented 10 years ago

@backspace implemented Akismet to cut down on the amount of spam we were receiving. But it is not open source / free software. So we want to switch to an open source solution in the future.

tkwidmer commented 10 years ago

previous conversation #128

tkwidmer commented 10 years ago

and #97

kiesia commented 10 years ago

So what are the open source options? Please don't say Captcha. :wink:

tkwidmer commented 10 years ago

Not sure, and yeah want to stay away from Captcha.

tkwidmer commented 10 years ago

As a note, I cleaned up old spam entries this morning.

cllns commented 10 years ago

Not open-source but Google just released 'No CAPTCHA':

Seems neat!

mi-wood commented 6 years ago

Just adding a note, that this would be incredibly helpful for the contact form. We get a lot of spam

hendrixfan commented 4 years ago

How about using Invisible Captcha? It is Open Source and uses the honeypot Princible.

DeeDeeG commented 4 years ago

@hendrixfan that could be a good idea! Probably better than having to get ReCaptcha over the network! That's one of the least-performant aspects I noticed of the site, mostly in terms of latency/full-page load-time. I think the ReCaptcha code is also pretty large over the network next to other things users don't have to re-download once they've cached a part of the site once (after the first page visit).

We recently did finally add ReCaptcha, but it could be good to replace it with this open-source solution. cc @mi-wood curious if this open-source alternative looks good enough, or if there'd still be too much spam? As I know you've been the one to deal with the spam the most.