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REFUGE restrooms indexes and maps safe restroom locations for trans, intersex, and gender nonconforming individuals.
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Adapt a Code of Conduct. #488

Open tkwidmer opened 6 years ago

tkwidmer commented 6 years ago

We are being included in Github's Social Impact Collection. But they are asking us to add a code of conduct. This is something we should have probably already done.

Github's overall document about Code of Conducts:

Contributor Covenant:

The contributor Covenant is a drag and drop code of conduct we can start using until we want to make any changes to it.

DeeDeeG commented 6 years ago

Edit to add: Thanks for tagging me on this! I'd be glad to add my 2 cents and help make this happen.

Sounds good to add a code of conduct.

Assuming we put a lot of thought into picking or making one, I think off the top of my head ours should:

I think there are a lot of good ones out there, so this shouldn't be too hard IMO.

Laying out my personal thought a bit:

Realistically I think a Code of Conduct is mostly a backstop for when relying on basic generosity and common sense as a maintainer/moderator breaks down and it's unclear how to respond or proceed. [Edit to add: This is because in my view most activity is going to fall in line with the Code of Conduct organically without needing to expressly invoke it in those given situations. Most people will mean well and behave well irrespective of the Code of Conduct.] It also dissolves arguments based on trolls saying moderation is too severe, unfair (especially "unfairly targeted" at them) or over-reactive -- it sets the tone and the bar for everybody fairly. (And idealistically, it really does encourage a thoughtful and proactive and positive approach to moderation/maintainership/contributions, and make everyone feel secure in the way the community/social aspect of a project will play out.)

DeeDeeG commented 6 years ago

As a tiny additional, personal comment: I like Mozilla a lot, and I think their culture is great. Pasting their code of conduct for reference purposes...

Community Participation Guidelines (Kinda huge and more specific to a large corporation with lots of passionate fans and contributors, but I like what's there.)

Bugzilla Etiquette (Their code of conduct on their issue/bug tracker site)

I am assuming outright the other ones linked above are more appropriate for our needs, but I'll be checking those out now to see, and I'm already familiar with the Mozilla ones. Just wanted to bring these up since I am a fan of Mozilla's culture.

DeeDeeG commented 6 years ago

I do think the Contributor Covenant is really good. It might not be adjusted for the exact tone or spirit of this project, but it's solid and sets the right general expectations and such without, as far as I can see, leaving anything out.

DeeDeeG commented 6 years ago

Example commit (on its own branch at the moment) adding the Contributor Covenant without changes:

(Well, no changes other than putting in our specific contact email.)

DeeDeeG commented 6 years ago

Hi @tkwidmer,

Do we have a time frame that we should do this by?

And if any other project members (or contributors more generally) have thoughts, those are certainly welcome. It is easy enough to change this later, if we have ideas and improvements later on. So if we need to apply this in order to be available to the GitHub collection, we can change to a better code later down the line. -- (if there is a better code to change to).

tkwidmer commented 6 years ago

@DeeDeeG Just got a timeframe from Github. We need to address this within the week.

I think it's pretty easy and straightforward to change this later if we want to improve on it. My proposal is we add the Contributor Covenant pretty much as is for now from your commit here This will allow us to be added to the Github Collection again and then we can change the code at a later date once more people have had the chance to give some input (@mi-wood and others).

Can you open a PR to merge that commit? And add a link to it in the README and CONTRIBUTING?

DeeDeeG commented 6 years ago

Can you open a PR to merge that commit? And add a link to it in the README and CONTRIBUTING?

Sure. Will do this evening.

DeeDeeG commented 6 years ago

Other things came up, so while I will be able to add the code of conduct to and later, I unfortunately can not finish that up this evening. Expecting to get a chance in the next couple of days. If anyone wants to do this before I get to it, that's totally fine also. Regards.

DeeDeeG commented 6 years ago

There are PRs for this now.

490, #491.

DeeDeeG commented 6 years ago

This was auto-closed by PR #490, but will keep open for now. This is a good place for any feedback or suggestions from contributors/the community.