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Learning videos - edit and upload (+translate) #18

Open serapath opened 8 years ago

serapath commented 8 years ago

Digital Skills Skill Branch

1. JavaScript Education Video Series

serapath commented 8 years ago

Business Skills Branch

1. "Sales Funnel" Education Video Series

  1. a simple picture to get into the mood
  2. zoom in to show some more details of the funnel
  3. show how the funnel actually is kind of a "circle"
  4. refine that idea, so a funnel is not a funnel, but a network that has many inputs and a network that has many outputs, where purchase is in the middle
  5. inspire how this idea is nothing static where users "simply fall through", but is highly dynamic
  6. make that more actionable by giving example actions
  7. inspire how those actions can actually be AUTOMATED and ENGINEERED
  8. give a simple and more concrete example
  9. PUT EVERYTHING into a big picture