RefugeesWork / organization is a mobile friendly app for newcomers to find freelance work
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Open ninabreznik opened 8 years ago

ninabreznik commented 8 years ago

Collection of Contacts

serapath commented 8 years ago


Invite Wolfgang Jäger for interview/workshop

Tel. 01711832551 or 030/24727545

Here's all the info

serapath commented 8 years ago

Felix Walz (Sozialarbeiter der Notunterkunft in Alt-Moabit)

Ich bin durch Zufall auf Ihr Projekt gestoßen und wäre an einer intensivieren Zusammenarbeit interessiert. Wenn Sie die Möglichkeit hätten würde ich mich freuen mit Ihnen ein telefonisches Gespräch zu führen. Ich bin von Mo-Fr unter der Nummer 017662763436 zu erreichen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Felix Walz Mavi gGmbh - Standort Nuk Alt-Moabit B.A. Sozialpädagoge/Sozialarbeiter Alt-Moabit 10, 10555 Berlin Mavi gGmbh Mehringplatz 9, 10969 Berlin Tel: 030/ 239 468 92 AG Charlottenburg HRB 173724 B Steuer-Nr.: 27/614/04047

serapath commented 8 years ago

Waiting/On hold inform them about progress for freeadvice page

Annelies Rackow - Teamleitung Bundesfreiwilligendienst i.A. der Stadt Schlieben

Guten Tag, wir leben in Südbrandenburg und haben hier ca. 400 Flüchtlinge, wovon ca. 20 in 04936 Schlieben (Elbe-Elster-Kreis) wohnen und durch unsere Bundesfreiwilligen-Gruppe und Ehrenamtlichen begleitet werden.

Bei uns haben nun drei Asylbewerber (Status der Duldung ohne Arbeitsgenehmigung) durch die Stadt Schlieben einen Vertrag erhalten, während 4 Monaten im Bauhof für 1,05€/h als gemeinnützige Arbeiter während 20h/Woche mit zu wirken.

Annelies Rackow - Tel. 0176-385 76 479 Teamleitung Bundesfreiwilligendienst i.A. der Stadt Schlieben,,

serapath commented 8 years ago

Waiting/On hold (they notify us after they select the winer)

Deutscher Bürgerpreis

Projektbüro Deutscher Bürgerpreis c/o DSV-Gruppe Friedrichstraße 50 10117 Berlin

T: 030.28 87 890 31 F: 030.24636 864 E:

Der Wettbewerb um den Deutschen Bürgerpreis steht in diesem Jahr unter dem Motto "Deutschland 2016 - Integration gemeinsam leben". Ausgezeichnet werden Personen, Projekte und Unternehmer auszeichnen, die den Austausch und das Miteinander fördern, sich für Geflüchtete einsetzen und diese in die Gesellschaft integrieren.

serapath commented 8 years ago

Waiting/onHold - sent them follow up email on 12.7.


What do they do: Consulting and research (inclusive business) ---> creating ecosystem for entrepreneurial newcomers Contact person: Miriam Höfling Contact info:


Date: Subject: Summary:

Date: 24.5.2016 Subject: Catalogue of (micro-)entrepreneurship opportunities for refugees in Germany (Skype call) Summary:

Date: 12.7.2016 Subject: Re: Catalogue of (micro-)entrepreneurship opportunities for refugees in Germany Summary: Hello, Miriam,

how are things going with your projects?

I wanted to give you a quick update. We were nominated for Deutscher Bürgerpreis and were also selected in Digital Refugee Lab by Open knowledge foundation, so things are moving forward.

Our goal is still to help newcomers into self-employment. We offer them in 3 steps:


Please, let me know, how are do doing? What interesting people/projects are you working with? How could we join?

Bets regards and looking forward to hear from you :)

serapath commented 8 years ago



Berlin Digital Refugee Lab

What do they do: Code for Germany - Hackathon ( Contact person: Ulrike Thalheim and Fiona Krakenbuerger Contact info:,

COMMUNICATION Date: 24.5.2016 Subject: Can we apply RefugeesWork for hackathon and get free helpers Summary:

Dear Nina, thanks for your interest. It looks like an interesting project and yes, we some space left. As our aim is to avoid further redundancies in the digital approaches for refugee support, I first would like you to check on how your project differs to other refugee-to-labour market ideas. Here are 3 sites that have been out there for a while: (integrated into Kiron), (a project by Paritätische - a big welfare society in Germany), (with financial support by the Federal Ministery of Labour and Social Affairs as well as the European Social Fund). I am pretty sure, there are even more related projects out there.

As I have been involved for quite a while in the field of digital refugee support, I can only stretch what Fiona has already said: Join forces! This does not mean that we do not want you at the Digital Refugee Lab in Berlin. But I do not want the Lab to spend much time on solutions that already exist, but rather to improve these solutions (by joining forces or making established projects even greater). So: What is unique about your project (in comparison to the other 3 projects)? Would it make sense to you to work together with other existing projects?

Thanks again for approaching us. I really appreciate your interest.

Best regards, Ulrike

Date: 12.7.2016 Subject: Re: Follow Up Digital Refugee Labs Workshop Summary: Fiona, hey,

I remember you mentioned last time that OK lab got some funds with which you plan to support certain projects. We at RefugeesWork would be very grateful for more information, because we would apply for financial help for our project so we can push it forward and make sure it makes bigger impact.

Thanks a lot in advance :)

ninabreznik commented 8 years ago


Trebor Scholz - Platform Cooperativism


Hi Nina,

On the soon to be remodeled site we are starting a blog.

Would you be willing to jot down a brief writeup/interview about refugeeswork? If you could respond to the below questions, I could turn this into a blog post.
But I would need to receive it by July 15th. It should not be longer than 1000 words, please.

TS: Nina, over the past few weeks he have spoken several times about your new project refugeeswork, which tries to connect refugees in Germany who are looking for work with people who want to hire them on a freelance basis. Please describe refugeeswork, who is involved, your motivation to build the site (don't forget to mention your friend Ali Ghali), and its current status (number of registered accountants and number of active workers, etc).


TS: One is the things that where interesting in our conversation about the business structure of your site, was that you decided to go for an LLC (Ltd, in Germany, I believe) and that you registered that in the United Kingdom instead of Germany because it was administratively too difficult to do that there. Refugeeswork is not a platform cooperative as of now and one of the reasons for that, you told me, is that you cannot see the advantage of a cooperative structure. Can you elaborate on that a little bit more?


What are other comparable labor markets for refugees online?


What are some of the challenges that you are currently facing and which opportunities do you see for the site?


[ We could include a video if you have for on any other material that further explains it.]

serapath commented 8 years ago

Waiting/onHold inform them about progress for freeadvice page


Philipp Bertram

Leiter Stabsstelle Integration & Ehrenamt

Tel +49 (0) 30 – 220 5663-15 (DW)

Mob +49 (0) 176 - 84227438


Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Nothilfe Berlin gGmbH

Notunterkunft ehemaliges Rathaus Wilmersdorf

Brienner Str. 16

D-10713 Berlin

Leitung: Stephan Wesche

Tel +49 (0) 30 – 220 5663-0

Fax +49 (0) 30 – 220 5663-22




Aufsichtsrat: Uwe Grünhagen (Vors.), André Müller, Detlef Kühn

Geschäftsführung: Dr. Jutta Anna Kleber

ninabreznik commented 8 years ago

Dear Nina,

My name is Lisa, Co-Manager at the Migration Hub Berlin co-working space for initiatives working in the Migration sector. We have recently reopened our space and are currently onboarding new initiatives to join our dynamic team, and RefugeesWork caught our eye.

We’d be interested in arranging a meeting with one of your representatives to discuss your work, and potentially include you in our ever expanding Europe-wide Network.

For more information about us, please check out our Facebook page.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards,


Berlin Hub Co-Manager