RefugeesWork / organization is a mobile friendly app for newcomers to find freelance work
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25.6.2016 - OKF, Tempelhofer Ufer (Kickoff) #8

Closed ninabreznik closed 8 years ago

ninabreznik commented 8 years ago

25.6.2016 - OKF, Tempelhofer Ufer (WORKSHOP)

Inga prepared a very good summary for us


„We believe that freelance work could be a good way to ’integrate’!“

WHY: ­

Assumption: (legal) freelance­work is a good/the best option; people are willing to do freelance jobs

HOW: ­

Probems: it is a fact that exists exploitative and dangerous working conditions

GOAL: Create opportunity for people to be paid for their skills (and not to be exploited)

­* if we can go to some official insitutions, make kind of reportage with them and newcomers

­* workshop: invite experts, people to talk about the topics (e.g. jobcenter, social worker, Amt, NGOs)→ then podcast, video

­* links to certain projects: Pro Asyl, law­clinic (law students), NGO's etc.

­* connect with existing meetups, communities, events etc.

­* research and list: meetups, events, workshops (free or paid by the jobcenter), to learn from professionals about „legalities“ and general „business knowledge“ → leeds for follow up informations

­* selbst über den gesamten Prozess informiert sein, also über wie funktioniert Freelancing? (alle rechtlichen Schritte etc.)

­* provide basic informations/simple „rules“: always go together (every time at least two persons) to the ABH (Ausländerbehörde) for example etc.

­* contact lawyers, accountants, institutions to ask them directly (via phone/mail,...) → for FAQ: Info, contact (mail, phone, website), curated by them → live support on the APP (Chat?)

Schaubild von Ali: Process: People→ orientation, refresh – professionals/experts (expertise) →equipments­→ legal self­work

­* FAQs: use the community, giving s.o. the tools to him/herself

­* tutorials

­* learning process via form and email sets, tests ­* one to one mentorship: for each step, for the whole process

Volunteers and employees - ensure that they are not exploited

Ethical issues

Matching real needs

Engaging the refugee community ­* present to refugees the project in the „Heime“ ­* Feedback

Alliances/Partnerships ­* prevent exploitation ­* legal info on self­employment (paperwork)

Organisation ­* workload issues

Website ­* order/filter

→ you only have one chance with the Web APP, which means that if somebody looks at it, wants to use it and sees that it doesn't work then won't use it anymore: therefore: make the thing work before you spread it!! → information needs to be free and useful → VALIDATION of information

Trust ­* Bewertungs System



Create Flyers­ → reach out as well Heime, (auch außerhalb von Berlin), Sprachschulen, LaGeSo

→ first information offline?

Refugee Phrasebook

→ officially you can't work without residence permit: find a lawyer, who knows all these things or

we will investigate (ask e.g. at BAMF/ABH)

→ Research on legal issues

We don't like

­* integrative user groups ?? (I don't know what we meant with that...)

­* nobody feels left behind

­* every profession?


­* Jobcenter

­* knowledge of german Steuerrecht

­* universities?

Roadmap brainstorm

­* design survey (experts, users of the app)

­* test survey

­* write project description (short)

­* make video (how to fill out forms, video with experts, newcomers, etc., the whole process)

­* post video and survey

­* outsourcing skills: how much can we delegate? Define: how we delegate work?

­* fundraising (volunteer people, organisation who knows about fundraising and searches?)

­* volunteer job: description

1) Strategy Development

2) Someone do the fundraising, get money; Volunteer Coordination

3) Organisational Governance/management strategy/Define project accontability to users

4) Work on Website and build partnerships