RehabMan / OS-X-Voodoo-PS2-Controller

Contains updated Voodoo PS/2 Controller, improved Keyboard & Synaptics TouchPad
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Synaptics thinkpad DSL Issue #190

Open ameeno opened 5 years ago

ameeno commented 5 years ago

Hello, I have been trying to use your thinkpad clickpad dsl to go with my t440p (T450 trackpad) its a synaptics definetly, as i have checked and works OOB in linux and windows + i have checked on the linux commandline and its definetly a synaptics device.

however, my two finger scrolling experiance is terrible with your kext,

Tlucks kext is better but on his, the system prefs for the touchpad does not come up.

can you advise?

ltfysl commented 4 years ago

Have the same problem... Any progress on this one ?