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[Comment] So I've Been Awarded Microsoft MVP Status! #114

Open RehanSaeed opened 4 years ago

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Dave Black Dave Black commented on 2015-10-02 13:13:58

Very happy for you sir! ...and thanks for the boilerplates : )

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Muhammad Rehan Saeed Muhammad Rehan Saeed commented on 2015-10-02 14:39:50

Very happy for you sir! ...and thanks for the boilerplates : )

I'm glad you found it useful :).

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Charly Sam Charly Sam commented on 2015-10-03 23:06:07

Rehan, Microsoft MUST make Visual Basic/C# + xaml (Expression Blend) able to generate output as HTML 5 canvas + CSS + javascript..... PUT BACK C#/VISUAL BASIC IN THE BROWSER like Silverlight did....but this time no plug-in just HTML5 +CSS +javascript The main reason PRODUCTIVITY ... it takes forever to do things directly in HTML5 + css + javascript. Why if we have the best IDE with amazing and easy to use tools like the ability to drag-and-drop controls in order to create a project in minutes we can't use this where it matters the most!!! in the browser!!!.

PS. Adobe Flash Pro CC is doing it !!! do you know that their first option when you click new project is output as "HTML5 canvas" (instead of actionscript you use javascript,) why if they are doing it, Microsoft is not doing something like this?? Every single programmer that I know is waiting for something like this because everyone knows that C#/VB are the most productive tools out there.

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Muhammad Rehan Saeed Muhammad Rehan Saeed commented on 2015-10-05 09:02:59

Rehan, Microsoft MUST make Visual Basic/C# + xaml (Expression Blend) able to generate output as HTML 5 canvas + CSS + javascript..... PUT BACK C#/VISUAL BASIC IN THE BROWSER like Silverlight did....but this time no plug-in just HTML5 +CSS +javascript The main reason PRODUCTIVITY ... it takes forever to do things directly in HTML5 + css + javascript. Why if we have the best IDE with amazing and easy to use tools like the ability to drag-and-drop controls in order to create a project in minutes we can't use this where it matters the most!!! in the browser!!!.

PS. Adobe Flash Pro CC is doing it !!! do you know that their first option when you click new project is output as "HTML5 canvas" (instead of actionscript you use javascript,) why if they are doing it, Microsoft is not doing something like this?? Every single programmer that I know is waiting for something like this because everyone knows that C#/VB are the most productive tools out there.

I would have agreed with you in the past but at some point I changed my mind for these reasons:

  1. ActionScript is based on ECMAScript 3.1 and is a much closer language to JavaScript.
  2. Transpiling from one language to another is usually going to lead to a performance penalty.
  3. If you want a proper grown up language, use one that's built for the web like TypeScript or ECMAScript 6 JavaScript transpiled to ECMAScript 5 using a tool like Babel.

I agree with the productivity remark. It does take much longer to build something for the web, than using Silverlight. Have you come across Script#? It transpiles C# code to JavaScript.

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Alex Alex commented on 2015-10-07 04:35:17

Rehan~Congratulations! You are a MVP extra! I have learned a lot of useful skill from your site~ and your Elysium extra project is great!! Looking forward for more new features~

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Charly Sam Charly Sam commented on 2015-10-10 06:08:53

I would have agreed with you in the past but at some point I changed my mind for these reasons:

  1. ActionScript is based on ECMAScript 3.1 and is a much closer language to JavaScript.
  2. Transpiling from one language to another is usually going to lead to a performance penalty.
  3. If you want a proper grown up language, use one that's built for the web like TypeScript or ECMAScript 6 JavaScript transpiled to ECMAScript 5 using a tool like Babel.

I agree with the productivity remark. It does take much longer to build something for the web, than using Silverlight. Have you come across Script#? It transpiles C# code to JavaScript.

Rehan, the performance penalty that is going to happen after doing the transpiling from C#/VB Silverlight + xaml to HTML5 + CSS + javascript is a price that I bet 90%+ of the programmers out there are willing to more than pay in order to have a RIA- "Silverlight look alike" apps in their browsers... as I see things this could be represented using an inequality like this:

Productivity + Amazing tools/IDE + RIAs that run in any device/any browser > Performance Penalty

There is nothing out there at this point that could give to the developers what Silverlight gave to them for the amount of time and effort required to build the application, it was productivity; the quality of the UI generated vs the amount of time/effort invested. Thank you for the Script# info, do you know this project... C#/XAML to HTML5 it would be fantastic if Microsoft end up supporting it, like Microsoft did with Xamarin

Keep up the good work and thank you for reading my comments/questions,

PS. A tool like Microsoft Blend should have the option to export as HTML5+css+javascript , there is no reason why this should not be possible to do.

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Muhammad Rehan Saeed Muhammad Rehan Saeed commented on 2015-10-14 10:00:41

Rehan, the performance penalty that is going to happen after doing the transpiling from C#/VB Silverlight + xaml to HTML5 + CSS + javascript is a price that I bet 90%+ of the programmers out there are willing to more than pay in order to have a RIA- "Silverlight look alike" apps in their browsers... as I see things this could be represented using an inequality like this:

Productivity + Amazing tools/IDE + RIAs that run in any device/any browser > Performance Penalty

There is nothing out there at this point that could give to the developers what Silverlight gave to them for the amount of time and effort required to build the application, it was productivity; the quality of the UI generated vs the amount of time/effort invested. Thank you for the Script# info, do you know this project... C#/XAML to HTML5 it would be fantastic if Microsoft end up supporting it, like Microsoft did with Xamarin

Keep up the good work and thank you for reading my comments/questions,

PS. A tool like Microsoft Blend should have the option to export as HTML5+css+javascript , there is no reason why this should not be possible to do.

The performance penalty can be significant but people are willing to pay it. Take Cordova for example which lets you write apps in HTML, CSS and JavaScript for phones, its terribly slow compared to native apps but people still use it to write cross-platform apps. It all depends on what you are trying to write I suppose.

Once again, I agree about productivity totally. cshtml5 looks interesting but it needs a lot of work before I would write anything with it, this tool would need major backing. Coming at it from the other side, have you seen TypeScript.NET, it's another interesting project.

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Steven Steven commented on 2015-10-21 23:06:59

Well earned! I've been using your code for some time now and always look forward to your new posts. Congratulations!

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Nitin Tyagi Nitin Tyagi commented on 2016-07-20 08:05:28

Congrats Rehan. Very useful information.