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[Comment] The Windows Package Manager #496

Open RehanSaeed opened 2 years ago

RehanSaeed commented 2 years ago

WorldMaker commented 2 years ago

In response to your script's comment about Paint.NET, it is in the Microsoft Store:

It's just not free because the developers wanted it to be a non-optional donation space. Given how often I've used Paint.NET on some projects, I think it's well worth paying the donation to have the Store install.

RehanSaeed commented 2 years ago

@WorldMaker Weirdly, I don't see Paint.NET on winget. This might be because its a paid product. There is an open issue in the winget repo to add the free version of Paint.NET but that comes shipped as a zip file which is not currently supported by winget.

WorldMaker commented 2 years ago

@RehanSaeed Yeah, winget search doesn't seem to turn up any paid applications, but winget list does and winget install --id 9nbhcs1lx4r0 almost works. It gives you the description of Paint.NET and asks you to agree to terms then I got a Verifying/Requesting package acquisition failed: server error after agreeing to the terms. It's possible the error is just that I already have it installed already, but it sounds like there's just no support at all for paid apps yet per microsoft/winget-cli#908

Hopefully something they solve, because there are several other paid apps in the Microsoft Store I'd want to auto-install in a machine setup script, beyond of course Paint.NET.