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[Comment] Azure Active Directory Versus Identity Server #59

Open RehanSaeed opened 4 years ago

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

coder1 coder1 commented on 2016-06-03 21:24:07

digital fonts used in headers are very strong and strain eyes which are already exhausted from programming and this might trigger migraine sometimes

would u rather mind to try other font plzzz

great post

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

CodeGrue CodeGrue commented on 2016-12-19 20:21:25

Do you mean "Two-Factor" rather than "Two-Factory"?

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Muhammad Rehan Saeed Muhammad Rehan Saeed commented on 2016-12-21 09:05:49

Do you mean "Two-Factor" rather than "Two-Factory"?

Fixed. Thank you!

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

arthur arthur commented on 2017-08-02 19:32:40

digital fonts used in headers are very strong and strain eyes which are already exhausted from programming and this might trigger migraine sometimes

would u rather mind to try other font plzzz

great post

i'll have to agree with that.

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Neil Billingham Neil Billingham commented on 2017-10-27 16:54:48

Hi, thanks for the post; do you have any references mentioning Microsoft''s backing for Identity Server?

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Muhammad Rehan Saeed Muhammad Rehan Saeed commented on 2017-11-13 09:14:35

Hi, thanks for the post; do you have any references mentioning Microsoft''s backing for Identity Server?

If you've ever seen the ASP.NET Community Standup, this question has come up a couple of times and Damian Edwards has supported the use of Identity Server in this scenario. I'm not sure there is an online statement supporting this fact, of course Microsoft has their own competing product in Azure AD, so I'm not sure there would be anything overtly advertising IdentityServer.

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Alex Alex commented on 2017-12-15 09:53:14

It seems that Scott Hanselman is promoting IdentityServer:

xperiandri commented 4 years ago

Isn't IdentityServer overcomplicated? I've chosen OpenIddict when looked for OpenID Connect server solution because I was not managed to figure out anything in Identity Server samples and it was not flexible enough with storing info. It didn't allow Guids instead of ints on top of Entity Framework Core

RehanSaeed commented 4 years ago

Isn't IdentityServer overcomplicated? I've chosen OpenIddict when looked for OpenID Connect server solution because I was not managed to figure out anything in Identity Server samples and it was not flexible enough with storing info. It didn't allow Guids instead of ints on top of Entity Framework Core

I haven't tried OpenIddict. I think of IdentityServer as a swiss army knife that can be configured to do most things.

I believe it can be used to store GUID's. The default EF Core code just uses int's.

xperiandri commented 4 years ago