ReikaKalseki / Reika_FactorioMods_Issues

The issue tracker for all of my Factorio mods - EndgameCombat, NauvisDay, Geothermal, Oreverhaul, and the rest.
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Conflict Endgame combat with mod Space Exploration #447

Open Kaylebr opened 2 months ago

Kaylebr commented 2 months ago

When event coronal mass has active and target base, the game will crash in a interaction with function "retaliation" in coronal mass, because this don't have healh

O mod Space Exploration (0.6.128) causou um erro não recuperável.Por favor, reporte este erro ao autor do mod.Error while running event space-exploration::on_tick (ID 0)O mod Endgame Combat (1.152.1) causou um erro não recuperável.Por favor, reporte este erro ao autor do mod.Error while running event EndgameCombat::on_entity_damaged (ID 103)Target must have health.stack traceback:[C]: in function 'create_entity'EndgameCombat/functions.lua:445: in function 'doRetaliation'EndgameCombat/control.lua:590: in function <EndgameCombat/control.lua:556>stack traceback:[C]: in function 'create_entity'space-exploration/scripts/solar-flare.lua:276: in function 'tick_flare'space-exploration/control.lua:1644: in function 'callback'space-exploration/scripts/event.lua:20: in function <space-exploration/scripts/event.lua:18