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[Suggestion] [Chromaticraft] A new system for unlocking fragments #2940

Open Shahelion opened 2 years ago

Shahelion commented 2 years ago

Mainly wanted to have it somewhere it wouldn't get swept away, as is happening in the Discord.

The main problem with the current system is that it is far too random. One moment I have unlocked the secret to making a sentry turret to defend my house, the next I learn the schematics to that one cave underground I stumbled into, or about the different colors of dye tree leaves. Some direction is desperately needed.

There is no visible logical connection between fragments, they are simply grouped based on how they are crafter, and general form (block, item, tool, worldgen, etc) instead of cohesive theme. Look at Thaumcraft pages. Basic, Wandcrafting, Golems, Alchemy, Tangible Objects (artifice).

Perhaps an additional way of sorting the fragments in the lexicon based on categories. A fragment could be in more than one category, as well. Could be things like Crystals, Exploration (Worldgen/Dimensions), Personal (Abilities, Casting Temple), Automation (Item Transport, Power Connection), Mod Interactions(Aspect Former, Mystcraft), etc.

The randomness wasn't so bad when there were less fragments to reveal, but there are far more now than there were then.

Fragments should be spendable to unlock desired pages. Place them in the lexicon to add them to the fragment storage as available to spend. Makes good use of an existing mechanic. Alternately, consume fragments to grant points like Hardcore Ender Expansion does it.

The current system could remain as an option for those who like it. Have a config option for fragment reveal mode, Random or Guided.

Fragments that are available but not yet unlocked would be visible in the lexicon, but obfuscated. Fragments that require additional progression would be completely hidden. Fragments that have dependencies on each other should be linked by some visual effect, at least when hovered over if not all the time. For example, Lumen Fence Emitter and the Fence Relays. Or, even better, combine those fragments into one. They are pointless separate.

Structure pages should only unlock after revealing the core blocks, or after completing it once if worldgen.

Smaller fragments should be combined. Manipulator and Casting Table, for example. Perhaps one large set of Introductory pages, like Thaumcraft. The current Intro fragment is nearly useless.

Dye trees, leaves, berries, etc. Do not need to have separate fragments. Group under Chromatic Flora or even Chromaflora.

Every. Single. Button. Needs a tooltip to say what it does or what it is called, at least.

I should be able to click on an item in a recipe in the lexicon, and be taken to the appropriate page if available. Almost every other magic mod does this. TC4, Botania, Ars Magica 2, HEE.

ReikaKalseki commented 2 years ago

Most of this is very much not how I want it to work, and in many cases it cannot work that way.

Shahelion commented 2 years ago

New idea: some way to allow some direction in fragment revealing. Perhaps a way to choose between X number of random choices for a fragment to become. So I could choose to unlock the Excavation Star, the Lumen Turret, or an Ability (just examples). Would work well if the choices are not explicit, but hints. Using the above three examples: Choose one of the following paths to research further: Resource Acquisition Defensive Constructs Personal Augmentation