ReikaKalseki / Reika_Mods_Issues

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ReactorCraft + Rotarycraft - Possible issue when Steam network is overloaded #3089

Open Baaleos opened 1 year ago

Baaleos commented 1 year ago

Last night I had my fusion reactor working pretty much seamlessly - I had the chunks chunkloaded, went to bed, came back this morning and I am observing some very strange things

Note: im on 32A for dragonAPI, rotary,reactor and electricraft.

It took about 30-40 minutes of logging off and on in order to get the server to load the fusion reactor chunks - severe lag. Would end up saying things like 150000 ms behind, skipping 3000 ticks etc

When I finally did get in - the reactor appeared to still be running, but no plasma was visible going around the loop. When I went and checked the structure, I actually saw Newtrons travelling the wrong way - they were actually coming from a neutron absorber and heading in a straight line to the injector. I observed this almost like a machine gun firing blue pixels - they just kept coming out of the absorber and headed against the flow towards the injector.

When I used /chgpkt true the only areas highlighted was the turbine room - it showed the steam rising up, hitting the turbine and then being absorbed into the condensers, then pressurized and then rejoining the network.

However, when I held tab over the steam pipes - I saw that it was reporting amounts in excess of 300000-500000 for the steam - and I don't think that was the total - I think that was just for that one segment or something - it fluctuated greatly.

I've turned my fusion reactor off now - but the lag still persists - I think it might have something to do with there being too much steam and not enough release grates to get rid of it.

No exceptions or errors - just huge lag.

While this issue is in-effect, it seems that things like Van De Graaff generators don't seem to animate properly - and the electrical effect doesn't seem to pass between the segments of the ring. Although they all report 1b for next, and solenoid reports 1b.

The charge value does go up to around 20-30k - so I know there is charge, it is just that it is so lagged down that it doesn't show the effect. Also coolant is maxed out.

Question: Does feeding the fusion reactor with a creative reservoir cause this - Is it feeding so much liquid into the network that it is giving infinite liquid to a finite capacity - and the network doesn't know how to deal with it. Is there anyway to empty a fluid/steam network quickly - without having to destroy the pipes?

I've had the steam pipe to the turbines cut for over 2 hours - and it still hasn't drained the steam out of them - almost like its super packed in there.

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ZHENGLOC commented 1 year ago

It's been a long time, but I'll mention it.

Not only v32a version has this problem, v31b also has this problem. At first I was using the v32a version, and when I started the tokamak on the server, the neutron scattering caused my ping to lag badly, then I switched to v31b and had the same problem. Then I copied the server file to my local computer and ran it and the problem still appeared. But SP does not have this problem.

Bro, did you fix this problem?

*Machine translation ↓Run on the server QQ图片20230424193055 ↓Run locally QQ图片20230424193103

MalTeeez commented 1 year ago

/clearsteam for fixing this temporarily

ReikaKalseki commented 1 year ago

Bigger numbers do not take more computation to move around (barring overflow, which this is not approaching). "More lag with more steam per block" makes no sense, and is equivalent to saying that making a generator produce X RF/t instead of Y RF/t would affect how much lag it produces.

In other words, your lag has an entirely different source - use a sampler or profiler to find out what.

FavoritoHJS commented 1 year ago

I recall neutrons being a common source of lag for reactors due to being entities, maybe check the entity count?

What I guess is going on is that something is backing up due to there being too much steam, and if that thing backing up happens to lead to something like too many entities, that would explain the lag and why /clearsteam fixes it.

EDIT: but tps seems reasonable... maybe this is some kind of network overrun?