ReinerNippes / nextcloud_on_docker

Run Nextcloud in Docker Container on various Linux Hosts
MIT License
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traefik seems to generate new self-signed certificates after random intervals #98

Closed sandy-rao closed 2 years ago

sandy-rao commented 3 years ago

I've successfully installed nextcloud on a local private ubuntu 20.04 server with self-signed certificate and everything seems great. I have been using it for the past month successfully but about every ~7 days (or maybe server restart) traefik seems to be generating a new self-signed certificate that prompts my nextcloud-client to prompt me to accept new self-signed certificate. I see that a self-signed certificate is valid for a year so the frequent new certificate generation is annoying.

Any ideas on how I can fix this issue. Could you point me towards a way to maybe manage my certificates manually so I can update them myself after a year if needed.

Thanks for the great script, really saved me a lot of hair-pulling.

ReinerNippes commented 3 years ago

i think after each restart a new self signed cert is generated. did you observe a new cert after a restart or update of the image?

sandy-rao commented 3 years ago

Yes, I think it definitely coincides with whenever I restart the server. I just restarted the server and got a new cert. Anyway of keeping the older cert which was still valid for close to a year?

ReinerNippes commented 3 years ago

Better ask in the traefik community. I always use Letsencrypt certs.