Reinms / RoR2Modding

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Strange interaction with Engineer in multiplayer + issues with other installed class mods and a little balance feedback #1

Closed Recjawjind closed 5 years ago

Recjawjind commented 5 years ago

(Rein-SniperRework-1.0.2) It's by no means a pressing issue, just wanted to inform that, when both a Sniper and an Engineer are in the same game, the Engineers mines have the propperties of the Snipers traps. When playing in singleplayer as the Engineer, that is not the case. The Engineer was host and the Sniper client, both had the mod installed.

In adition, having more than one class mod installed ( in my case), only one of the two modded classes are selectable.

On the topic of balance, I have played about 30 (mostly solo monsoon) runs with the sniper sofar, and I feel like he is currently a little underpowered. The trap he can lay offers some level of survivability, but it feels unreliable with the cooldown being so long, especially when swarmed past the first loop. His damage is great and he feels fun, but later on, you practically never have time for big shots against high priority targets because of the high self-slow and the decresed field of view when zoomed. Items that add attack speed under certain conditions make it really hard to get a consistent reload rythm. Maby I just suck though, but I'm defenitly having a much harder time than with any other charakter.

Other than that, great mod, having lots of fun with it and keep up the great work! Thanks!

Reinms commented 5 years ago

Issue 1 is known, currently working on a fix but there is a lot of technical background work that needs to be sorted out first. I set it up so that engie would at least work in singleplayer, but unfortunately the multiplayer issues are still a thing.

Issue 2: Odd that it works that way. Unfortunately the maker of banditclassic doesn't have source avaialble, but I can only guess that they are choosing a set index for their survivor. I will see if I can track them down and let them know/sort out the issues

Balance: Thanks for the feedback on balance, it is really helpful. The big issue for me is that over the course of playtesting sniper I racked up 400+ runs. I've basically gotten so used to the issues that he feels fine when I play him. I am currently working on some tweaks to shift and R, so hopefully those will help once they are done.

Reload rhythm: So I do have a soft capping formula in place so that the bar speed can never go past a certain point (iirc around 15 syringes worth) and it slows down significantly past 5 or so syringes. In addition, there are actually 4 separate timers tracked for the bar position that update at different types of game ticks, and the reload basically checks to see if any of them are inside the zone, and if any of the positions last frame are inside the zone, and if the position last frame was before the zone and the current position is after the zone. If any of those are true for any timer, the reload gives you the best outcome.

I will look into moving the soft capping back a bit, but that does cause issues with the damage output in some cases.

M2 stuff: Unsure if you are on latest version, but I did cut the charge time in half to 5 seconds for the full charge, and I also did make sure it scaled well with attack speed.

When I was tuning the DPS numbers I actually was pretty focused on making the option of charging only between 10% and 25% overall dps gains (Until massive attack speeds, where they compensate for the soft capping on M1's rate of fire. I will look into turning down the self slow a bit (i did do that already in the latest ver, taking it from an 80% at full to 50%.

Thanks a ton for the feedback, glad to hear it is fun to play.