Reisyukaku / ReiNX

A modular Switch custom firmware
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Idea: Reinx's own fw upgrade function #72

Closed khnoize closed 5 years ago

khnoize commented 5 years ago

So, since just booting cfw itself would get the superban flag. The only way to update fw for cfw users are only a certain homebrew. And since this certain homebrew developer seems to not having a good relationship with reinx, I'm just thinking that having this functionality at reinx itself would be very great addition.

Reisyukaku commented 5 years ago

I dont think I follow.. I just update via system settings lol. Never had to use ChodeDigorno or whatever.

khnoize commented 5 years ago

Um, okay. I'm actually haven't tried yet, but I heard that even just booting cfw right now would means superban, so, no fw upgrade. But since you said you're still able to update through system settings, then that's not true right?

Reisyukaku commented 5 years ago

You're gonna get banned tampering with the system in any way.. so updating via nca installs or whatever isnt gonna save you. As soon as you hit online, you'll be flagged. Being constantly offline is basically no different than just being banned lol. Either way, Raj being salty shouldnt effect its usage with rnx though.

Naguz commented 5 years ago

As soon as you hit online, you'll be flagged. Being constantly offline is basically no different than just being banned lol. Either way, Raj being salty shouldnt effect its usage with rnx though.

This is exactly why you would want to use ChoiDujourNX - to avoid going online and being banned. Being constantly offline is NOT like being banned because 1: Something allowing (limited and controlled) online will probably be developed. 2: An unbanned console has more resale value than a banned one. 3: You could always restore a nand backup and go legal and online again later if you want to, if you're not banned, and something that actually makes online worth it appears.

Getting a console needlessly banned makes no sense.

khnoize commented 5 years ago

@Reisyukaku I know, so basically, we ReiNX users are "already banned" (since (offline/banned) == no official nintendo services), and no more official system fw updates in the future, right? I was just wondering if it's great idea if ReiNX have its own fw updates tool since Raj being salty. Either way it's ok, we probably just would be have to use the existing tool and continue using ReiNX. Anyway, thank you for your responses.

Reisyukaku commented 5 years ago

There are ways to update even if banned but i have to see if i can streamline that

khnoize commented 5 years ago

Thanks, It would be great if this does come true one day. Though probably there are more immediate priorities than this for Reinx, hence it's just an idea.

Multimegamander commented 5 years ago

@Reisyukaku how long do I cook a ChodeDigorno for, senpai?