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[Feature Request] Autoloot to not re-show already looted corpses. #164

Open neflite421 opened 1 year ago

neflite421 commented 1 year ago

Running into some issues with autoloot. If you reissue the looton command it makes all previously looted corpses visible again and the looter will have to go through all those corpses again. Also, if you're dungeon crawling and your looter comes across some previously killed corpses, he'll stop and start looting all those again while you're trying to get somewhere. That's leading to some funky pathing/trains and him getting left behind sometimes. I know you had previously made this change at my request. I guess what I'm looking for is a command that will make him loot corpses he may have missed sometimes, but without making all previously looted corpses visible. The previous version of E3 worked that way I believe.