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Private Code and New Target Switches #194

Open Atomfusion1 opened 10 months ago

Atomfusion1 commented 10 months ago

Currently Private Code can not Change / set the target for any commands after 129 of E3.cs ` //class attribute method calls, call them all! //in case any of them change the target, put it back after called Int32 orgTargetID = MQ.Query("${Target.ID}");

        using (Log.Trace("ClassMethodCalls"))

            //lets do our class methods, this is last because of bards
            foreach (var kvp in AdvancedSettings.ClassMethodLookup)

The best way I have thought about doing this is retake orgTargetID after private call incase its changed, or the orgTargetID needs to be public so it can be changed manually (though this is going to cause issues when someone doesn't know it)