RekkasGit / E3Next

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Implement in-game spell swapping functionality #223

Closed porkchop520 closed 3 months ago

porkchop520 commented 5 months ago

In "old" e3 you could send a tell or group message containing spellset in order to get your characters to change spell sets while in game. This gave great flexibility on a per encounter basis for casters while in game.

RekkasGit commented 3 months ago

you can swap entire config files in E3N just a FYI.

/e3reload "fire"

will copy your current settings if "fire" doesn't exist and then you can edit it and set it up however you like. To go back to your normal, just do /e3reload without a param

RekkasGit commented 3 months ago

tho I do see a downside as the first time a spell is required, i will slot that spell in the proper gem slot thus initial attack might be a bit . 'slow' when toons mem their spells. I will see about that part.

RekkasGit commented 3 months ago

okay, now whenever you do an e3reload, it will do a spell memorization of the new ini. I have also greatly improved the memorization of spells. This is in my current development branch, so should be available in the near future.