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Add spell flags to handle fizzle logic for non-heals #228

Closed SAR-2019 closed 3 months ago

SAR-2019 commented 4 months ago

It would be handy to have fizzle logic available for spells similar to following;

[Debuffs] Debuff on Assist=Mark of Karn/Gem|4/RetryFizzle/AfterSpell|Unswerving Hammer of Faith

[Debuffs] Debuff on Assist=Mark of Karn/Gem|4/AfterSpell|Unswerving Hammer of Faith/RetryFizzle

If one flag can be used that would be economical, but if different flags need to be used due to the underlying code that would be fine as well, e.g.

Base Spell = /RetryFizzle AfterSpell = /RetryASFizzle BeforeSpell = /RetryBSFizzle

jonnyrocket0 commented 4 months ago

I understand this optimization but I’m not sure it’s worth it. If the spell fizzles, it will try to cast again the next debuff loop. Fizzling is eventually eliminated with aa’s as well

RekkasGit commented 4 months ago

I think most of this about before/after spell and the way it simply tries once

RekkasGit commented 4 months ago

But agreed, it is mostly handled by skill level and AAs

SAR-2019 commented 4 months ago

That's right, mainly for Afterspell/Beforespell.

AA's are great and you're correct they do handle this problem however they don't come into the picture until higher levels which generally means a run from 1-60 without these AA's, and I believe the fizzle elimination AA is only available to Bards+Casters (not priests or any other class). I've found reference to "Spell Casting Mastery" "reducing" fizzles however on my server the AA description doesnt mention this at all.

RekkasGit commented 3 months ago

I have changed it in my branch to just retry fizzles on before/after and be done with it :)