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[Request] Generic commands to fire with if statements in INI #75

Closed Lyricalpanda closed 1 year ago

Lyricalpanda commented 1 year ago

Lazaus discord MetalJacx:

Command1=/g hello
Command2=/g goodbye
Command3=/g i am nuetral
LowHP=${Target.PctHPs} <= 20


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r33kgr3yj0y commented 1 year ago

Seems like this would make afk exp really easy

MetalJacx commented 1 year ago

Seems like this would make afk exp really easy

I would have to respectfully disagree. It would take more then slash command and if statement to automate. With the allowance of private code and old E3 just being macroquest I feel that would be the bigger concern if you worried about afk.

r33kgr3yj0y commented 1 year ago

Pick target

/nav target

Anchor back

/Cleartargets You say it's not simple, but i disagree

MetalJacx commented 1 year ago

I will give you that logic is simple, but afkable not at all. Without logic around pull range, return to camp, chase logic, when you should med, etc. I would not walk away from my computer. I mean it nothing people couldn’t do already in E3 if they already wanted it.

r33kgr3yj0y commented 1 year ago

That's all surmountable with current ini settings. It's really up to the coders what they want in or not, I just wanted to shed light on what's potentially a future issue

MetalJacx commented 1 year ago

No problem respect. Hope I didn’t come off argumentative.

jonnyrocket0 commented 1 year ago

We will not be implementing this.