RelationalAI-oss / Rematch.jl

Pattern matching
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Should we support interpolated `_` in expression literal? #19

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

I like that we support expression literals (as a side effect of comparing values):

julia> @match :(5+5) begin
         :(5+5) => true
         _ => false

But while we do accept _ in the struct construction syntax, we don't support them in the expression literal syntax:

julia> @match :(5+5) begin
         Expr(:call, [:+, _, _])=> true
         _ => false

julia> @match :(5+5) begin
         :($_ + $_) => true
         _ => false
ERROR: syntax: all-underscore identifier used as rvalue around /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/packages/Rematch/MQlXA/src/Rematch.jl:72

I think the error happens because after #5, we're trying to actually use the value in the _ variable in scope. But I think this should respect our other uses of _ as a rhs variable to mean a wildcard.

Same problem with these:

julia> @match :(5+5) begin
         :(a_ + b_) => true
         _ => false

julia> @match :(5+5) begin
         :($a_ + $b_) => true
         _ => false
ERROR: UndefVarError: a_ not defined
 [1] top-level scope at /Users/nathan.daly/.julia/packages/Rematch/MQlXA/src/Rematch.jl:72

It's a bit weird because the $ interpolation means something inside :() and also now means something inside @match. And the names of variables mean something different inside the expression literal than outside it. So i'm not really sure what the right behavior is here...

Fwiw, MacroTool's @match macro gets around this problem because they are always matching expressions by default, not values, so they just always coopt names w/ _ inside expression literals.

There's also this option which currently fails. It would feel wrong to me to make this match because of the potential for an actual _ inside the expression, but I guess this would be most similar to what MacroTools does:

julia> @match :(5+5) begin
         :(_ + _) => true
         _ => false
gafter commented 1 year ago

I think this is just a bug. The pattern