This server has a total of 12gig ram.
I set the mysql limit to 9gig (as you can see by the Memory limit in the screen shot)
The Memory Utilization says 27% - not sure if this is total or just mysql?
The RAM - 4.53gig – again – not sure if this is total memory or memory used by mysql?
It would be helpful if it was more clear what ram you were talking about – total system ram, or ram used by mysql etc?
This server has a total of 12gig ram. I set the mysql limit to 9gig (as you can see by the Memory limit in the screen shot) The Memory Utilization says 27% - not sure if this is total or just mysql? The RAM - 4.53gig – again – not sure if this is total memory or memory used by mysql?
It would be helpful if it was more clear what ram you were talking about – total system ram, or ram used by mysql etc?