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setting up test environment #1

Closed germanstudent closed 9 years ago

germanstudent commented 10 years ago

I'm trying to set up the develop branch in a test environment, I think it fails with the ssh key exchange.

I did not modify anything in vagrant, so vagrant up uses the $HOME/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key I think.

Is there more configuration necessary before vagrant up? Or are VT-x cpu features mandatory for running this VM?

test environment




virtual box log

funkenstrahlen commented 10 years ago

Hm, actually this has nothing to do with my configuration as chef starts to provision the VM after it has established an ssh connection. I never had this issue.

Google is full with errors like that:

Maybe this is a good idea to debug the problem:

In Vagrantfile:

config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
    vb.gui = true

You could also try to launch the VM through the Virtualbox GUI. It should appear there after creation. Just try booting it up and see why it does not start up the ssh.

funkenstrahlen commented 10 years ago

any news on this one?

germanstudent commented 10 years ago

Hey i42n,

sorry for the missing feedback :/

Today I tried to set up the current development branch, unfortunately I failed.

The error mentioned above is because the current virtualbox setup / image requires access to vt-x cpu features and my test server doesn't support this. I tried to disable hardware virtualization by adding this

config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
  vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--hwvirtex", "off"]

to the Vagrantfile, but the image still wouldn't boot.

I finally tested it on two different non virtualized environments so the image would boot sucessfully but the configuration would fail, this is the INFO output of vagrant up

I'm not sure, might this be the cause? (from the output above)

INFO interface: info: [2014-04-13T01:54:16+00:00] ERROR: bash[compile_nginx_source] (nginx::source line 97) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
[2014-04-13T01:54:16+00:00] ERROR: bash[compile_nginx_source] (nginx::source line 97) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'

I then connected to the VM manually and tried bundle in the app folder anyway. This lead to the error

vagrant@vagrant:~/app$ bundle
Fetching source index from
Could not find thread_safe-0.3.0 in any of the sources

I think this is because 3.0 got yanked

I tried gem uninstall thread_safe so that bundle worked.

bundle exec sidekiq or rake db:migrate didn't work because of missing dependencies or files. :/

Unfortunately I don't have an in depth knowledge of the code yet and thought you can give a few hints, what's the best way to get this going.

One question: Is it easy to switch to a 32bit ubuntu image? If I'm not mistaken only the 64bit version requires VT-x features. This way we could use cloud instances to quickly set up a testing environments. e.g. this one listed here:

funkenstrahlen commented 10 years ago

I am sorry that this is such a mess :/ Did not expect that when setting up chef with vagrant. Worked so easy on my machine.

Of course you can use different images. Normally chef should be flexible enough.

Nginx has to compiled manually because of the passenger extension.

Maybe it is too early to setup a test environment. So many details to consider, so many bugs...

If you just want to see the current interface (no mpd connection) you can simply do bundle and rails server in the app folder on your machine. But be aware that the app currently crashes of no mpd is there. Very early prototyp code...

funkenstrahlen commented 10 years ago

If you habe dependency problems try bundle update that helps sometimes.

funkenstrahlen commented 9 years ago

Closed as we use chef + capistrano now.