Rem0o / FanControl.Releases

This is the release repository for Fan Control, a highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows.
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After Installing different GPU based programs, the GPU now refuses to use any GPU Fan Curve stuck at 0% fan speed #2178

Open spuigy opened 9 months ago

spuigy commented 9 months ago

Hello Dev and FanControl Community!!

I love the program and have been using it for the past three days... unfortunately, I stumbled across an issue when I noticed some abnormally high GPU idle temps. (This will be relevant later) from the first install, I had both FanControl and HWINFO64 running with no issues. However, after a few days, I noticed that FanControl and the GPU had issues communicating the custom fan curve with its fan speed being stuck at 0%. Now, I'm unsure when this started to occur, but the prior day, I had MSI Afterburner installed to test temperatures and to monitor GPU to CPU usage and ran into no abnormal fan speeds, with both programs running fine in the background together.

The following day, after a cold boot, my custom fan curve seemed to not function, leaving the fan curve in a "dead state" stuck at zero fan speed. FanControl was able to detect the temp and output the necessary fan speed, but the GPU would not respond, with an error suggesting that discrepancies or external applications were affecting it, prompting a force apply option, which did nothing to resolve the issue.

After uninstalling MSI Afterburner, the issue persisted. This led to an internet search for the issue and finding out that HWINIFO64 may cause problems. After testing when HWINIFO64 was running at the same time, the issue occurred. So I thought it would be an easy fix... it was not. After uninstalling HWINIFO64 the issue persisted.

I ended up installing EVGA Precision X1 to set up a fan curve for my GPU, which caused the problem to get worse. So far, the GPU fan curve would function after refreshing the temp sensors until the GPU went under the minimum fan speed I had set, where it would sit at 0 per cent before refreshing the temps once again (I tried in the settings with the Nvidia 0 percent fan speed override to see if there was a difference when it was on or off, nothing changed unfortunately regarding the problem).

Now, EVGA Precision X1 has caused the method of refreshing the Temp sensors not to work until uninstalling said app, where the method of refreshing to update the fan curve works again. Now I only have FanControl left with the same issues still persisting. I have no coding experience, so treat this with a grain of salt, but is there a possibility when MSI Afterburner got installed, it changed some ways that GPU curves are set and used? Could EVGA Precision X1 also cause the same issue with their inbuilt fan control software? And why was HWINFO64 only affected after installing MSI Afterburner?

Few more things to add. -When applying the option in MSI afterburner for user fan curve, the fan curve made in fan control is shown. The same can be applied to EVGA Precision X1, so the fan curve is being recognized. -Attached is my fan control curve file.

Am I just missing a few settings in FanControl or the other three applications that force Fan Control to take priority? I really do not want to use the clunky fan curve soft wares in either EVGA or MSI as they are a nightmare to deal with.... the clutter of more applications.

thanks -spuigy

Rem0o commented 9 months ago

FanControl fan curves only live inside FanControl's memory, they are not/can't be shared to other softwares.

Without seeing your configuration in FanControl, it's hard to tell what's wrong.

Mind sharing a screenshot of your fancontrol setup? I want to see everything related to your GPU setup in their.

spuigy commented 9 months ago

my bad! forgot to attach it! I Ieft the sensors alone as I have no idea what to do with them. Screenshot 2023-12-07 112536 Screenshot 2023-12-07 112629

spuigy commented 9 months ago

my bad! forgot to attach it! I Ieft the sensors alone as I have no idea what to do with them. Screenshot 2023-12-07 112536 Screenshot 2023-12-07 112629

and the gpu fan curve is currently turned off so the fans can spin

Rem0o commented 9 months ago

The config itself seems fine.

Now if you got PrecisionX + AfterBurner + Fancontrol working at the same time, all these software may/will interact with the GPU fans.

I have experience with AfterBurner, not much with precisionX. Generally, you want to have any "user fan curve" in these disabled, and have them on "auto", which basically removes that software fromt he equation.

If you got the question mark next to your gpu fan %, it means either PrecisionX or AfterBurner ( or any other software that may change the fan speed ) is also in the mix. You may tick "Force apply" so Fancontrol wil forcefully reapply the % every update cycle, but that's a patch more than a fix.

spuigy commented 9 months ago

went and did the steps for precision and afterburner. I don't get a question mark anymore however the gpu fan remain at zero (screenshot attached) Screenshot 2023-12-08 012651

spuigy commented 9 months ago

Screenshot 2023-12-08 013006 Screenshot 2023-12-08 012918 settings for msi and precision

Rem0o commented 9 months ago

Remove the start and stop percent ) set to 0 ) on both.

spuigy commented 9 months ago

don't know if this helps but the problem seems to occur once it goes under it's idle cut off.... Screenshot 2023-12-08 013607

spuigy commented 9 months ago

Remove the start and stop percent ) set to 0 ) on both.

Hey, I know you're probably busy, but I just wanted to follow up on the issue. It seems that the GPU fan curve controller is fine when the idle cut-off is not used, which is a bit unfortunate. I have zero skills in making fan curves tbh. Both of these fan curves I saw in a video. If you have any recommendations on a quiet curve that would be great. Parts are below.

CPU: amd ryzen 7 5700x CPU cooler: EK 240 aio with vadar vans GPU: 3080 ti evga ftw 3 ultra

Love the program and all its features just I have a very smooth brain!

Rem0o commented 9 months ago

There is no skill per say to making fan curves. I see you got a kind of a one-way trigger setup with the trigger+linear+mix setup. That's an "advanced" technique for people with very specific needs. You can simplify all of that with a simple linear curve and call it a day if you want. The trick is to know at what temp your card idles and load, and know the maximum noise level you want to hear. Simply set that maximum noise level % at load temperature, and set a nice low minimum at idle + 10 degree.

spuigy commented 9 months ago

K, but seriously, though, making these curves is a skill in itself! I actually have no idea what I'm doing so hearing a trigger+liner+mix setup already makes my brain hurt (I copy and pasta the fan curve from someone else).