Rem0o / FanControl.Releases

This is the release repository for Fan Control, a highly customizable fan controlling software for Windows.
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Improvement: sync tray icon color with Windows theme #2562

Open JenChiaik opened 3 weeks ago

JenChiaik commented 3 weeks ago

In Windows 11, Dark / Light modes can be seperately applied to Windows GUI and app GUI. But when I enable sync tray icon color with Windows theme, it actually sync with App GUI's color theme rather than Windows. That is, if my task bar is in DARK mode and app GUI is in LIGHT mode, the tray icon is DARK in the DARK taskbar. Is it because Windows provides no api to access the Window GUI mode?

LRJuuu commented 2 weeks ago

+1 Many times, when the computer wakes up after turning on or sleeping, the color of the taskbar icon does not synchronize with the window theme. But when you open FanControl, the main interface of the software follows the window theme normally. At this time, you can reopen "sync theme with windows" in the settings, and the taskbar icon will return to normal.