RemDelaporteMathurin / h-transport-materials

:bar_chart: Easily access hydrogen transport properties
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Export to MOOSE #108

Closed RemDelaporteMathurin closed 1 year ago

GiudGiud commented 1 year ago

@cticenhour @simopier Exporting to MOOSE and MOOSE-based apps (TMAP8..) could be done through the input file in a variety of ways. We could have directly the whole MOOSE syntax output. Or just the difficult part (like the CSV file)

This would be a substitute to coding in C++ a library which we can link from a MOOSE code.

A few options:

RemDelaporteMathurin commented 1 year ago


These H transport properties are most of the time (if not always) Arrhenius laws evolving with temperature only as:

D = D_0 * exp (-E_D/k_B/T)

where D_0 is the pre-exponential factor, E_D is the activation energy, k_B is the Boltzmann constant and T the temperature.

An Arrhenius property is therefore completely defined by the pre-exponential and activation energy.

So I think the functionnal approach is the way to go.

@stephen-dixon you are using such properties too, would you have anything to add?

stephen-dixon commented 1 year ago

Hey Remi. yeah I generally just hand code the pre-exponential factors and activation energies into the input files and have material objects that calculate Arrhhenius law properties from them. If I were going to automate it for simple calculations I think I'd prefer a json export of your DB and I could either have a quick pre-processor in python, or add a helper class in moose to read the json and extract the data from a named material directly (moose already inlcudes a great c++ json library). Part of the moose philosophy seems to be that any peripheral functionality not directly involved in actually running the simulation (the test framework, the input interface, visualisation, etc.) is all handled in python and my feeling is that json is already a first-class data object in python.

But the quickest way to integrate something moose-specific I guess would be either the csv dump that can be used immediately without any adapters on the moose side, or a list of copy-pasteable ParsedMaterial HIT (moose input) blocks.

One comment on the csv input is just that I think it will be linearly interpolated so you may have to have a lot of data-points? I kind of feel that calculating the function is better, especially as function parsers exist in the input system.

if you were generating moose-syntax material blocks directly I think they'd look a bit like this below (arrays are space-delimited lists). Personally I'm trying to hard-code the Arrhhenius relations under the hood in my app so I can just accept the input variables (D0, E, and lists of trap properties) in the input file. So, although I probably wouldn't use it in this format, it could be nice and immediately useable for other moose users in general? Could also be worth checking with the TMAP8 team what format they'd find most useful?

    type = ParsedMaterial
    f_name = D
    function = 'D0 * exp(- E/(kb*T))'
    constant_names =          'D0   E     kb'
    constant_expressions = '1.0   0.0  8.6e-5'
    args = T
RemDelaporteMathurin commented 1 year ago

Following up on this, we now have an automatic upload of the whole database (entries with all attributes) to a standard JSON file.

The dataset is compiled and attached to the release

I believe this can solve most integration issues as JSON files are very easy to work with and can be used by any application.

What are your thoughts? @GiudGiud @stephen-dixon

stephen-dixon commented 1 year ago

Love it!

GiudGiud commented 1 year ago

We have a JSON reader in MOOSE. Now I think we just need to write a MaterialFromJSON or something more specialized.

I have only skimmed the first few entries, there is a temperature dependence and then the selection of material / author / etc, right?

RemDelaporteMathurin commented 1 year ago

Yes. Each entry (property) is follows an Arrhenius law.

Entries are defined by two Arrhenius parameters (a pre-exponential factor and an activation energy), a material, a temperature range, referencing attributes (source, author, year, doi, etc...).

@cticenhour @simopier feel free to add if I forgot anything

GiudGiud commented 1 year ago

I could see a JSONReader user object that internalizes the JSON file as some sort of map (though maybe that s a little difficult because of the types, we ll see, later C++ versions have some flexibility there)

then a Material1DFromJSON that can access that directory at the right keys and read a 1D profile of a coefficient wrt to temperature.

RemDelaporteMathurin commented 1 year ago

though maybe that s a little difficult because of the types

I think the types in the json files are rather standards: floats, strings, tables...

GiudGiud commented 1 year ago

Sounds good

@RemDelaporteMathurin just an update, we are figuring out what kind of funding we'll have on fusion work before getting started here. The end-of-FY wrap up is always heated too. But it will get done.

RemDelaporteMathurin commented 1 year ago

@GiudGiud no probs! I shall close this issue in the meantime and we can open it when needed.