Remi-Gau / nilearn

Machine learning for NeuroImaging in Python
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tests with too many asserts #23

Closed Remi-Gau closed 1 year ago

Remi-Gau commented 1 year ago
nilearn/connectome/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_geometric_mean_properties has length 64 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/connectome/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_connectivity_measure_outputs has length 167 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/connectome/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_group_sparse_covariance has length 57 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/datasets/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_get_dataset_dir has length 55 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/datasets/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_fetch_localizer_contrasts has length 74 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/datasets/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_fetch_openneuro_dataset has length 52 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/datasets/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_get_dataset_dir has length 54 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/datasets/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_get_dataset_dir has length 58 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/decoding/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_decoder_binary_classification has length 53 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/decoding/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_decoder_dummy_classifier has length 86 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/decoding/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_decoder_multiclass_classification has length 59 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/decoding/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_searchlight has length 134 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/decomposition/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_mask_reducer has length 51 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/decomposition/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_dict_learning has length 56 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/decomposition/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_multi_pca has length 80 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_explicit_fixed_effects has length 61 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_fmri_inputs has length 67 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_first_level_contrast_computation has length 59 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_first_level_from_bids has length 88 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_check_events has length 61 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_check_second_level_input has length 65 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_fmri_inputs has length 74 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_fmri_inputs_for_non_parametric_inference has length 60 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_non_parametric_inference_cluster_level_with_covariates has length 63 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_second_level_contrast_computation has length 64 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_threshold_stats_img has length 74 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_all_resolution_inference has length 68 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/glm/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_z_score has length 61 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/image/tests/ CFQ001 Function test__smooth_array has length 59 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/image/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_threshold_img_with_cluster_threshold has length 58 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/image/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_largest_cc_img has length 53 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/image/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_resampling_error_checks has length 77 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/image/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_resampling_nan has length 53 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/image/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_reorder_img has length 69 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/interfaces/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_save_glm_to_bids has length 67 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/interfaces/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_save_glm_to_bids_contrast_definitions has length 98 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/interfaces/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_save_glm_to_bids_second_level has length 51 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_multi_nifti_labels_masker has length 100 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_multi_nifti_labels_masker_resampling has length 155 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_multi_nifti_maps_masker has length 107 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_multi_nifti_maps_masker_resampling has length 126 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_nifti_labels_masker has length 105 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_nifti_labels_masker_io_shapes has length 57 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_nifti_labels_masker_resampling has length 158 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_nifti_maps_masker has length 117 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_nifti_maps_masker_io_shapes has length 58 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_nifti_maps_masker_2 has length 122 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_nifti_masker_io_shapes has length 54 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/maskers/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_nifti_spheres_masker_io_shapes has length 57 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/mass_univariate/tests/ CFQ001 Function test__calculate_tfce has length 51 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/mass_univariate/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_null_to_p_float has length 51 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/mass_univariate/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_calculate_cluster_measures has length 75 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/mass_univariate/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_permuted_ols_check_h0_noeffect_labelswap has length 90 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/mass_univariate/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_permuted_ols_withcovar has length 78 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/mass_univariate/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_tfce_smoke has length 119 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/mass_univariate/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_cluster_level_parameters_smoke has length 136 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/mass_univariate/tests/ CFQ001 Function get_tvalue_with_alternative_library has length 55 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/plotting/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_find_cut_coords has length 93 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/plotting/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_find_cut_slices has length 52 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/plotting/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_find_parcellation_cut_coords has length 60 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/plotting/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_plot_surf_avg_method_errors has length 60 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/regions/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_connected_regions has length 51 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/regions/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_region_extractor_fit_and_transform has length 64 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/regions/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_connected_label_regions has length 128 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/regions/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_signals_extraction_with_labels has length 139 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/regions/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_signal_extraction_with_maps has length 66 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/regions/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_signal_extraction_with_maps_and_labels has length 62 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/reporting/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_nifti_labels_masker_report has length 89 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/reporting/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_get_clusters_table has length 61 that exceeds max allowed length 50
Remi-Gau commented 1 year ago
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_apply_mask has length 64 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_unmask has length 64 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_intersect_masks has length 78 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test__extrapolate_out_mask has length 75 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_check_niimg_4d has length 66 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_check_niimg_wildcards has length 108 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_repr_niimgs has length 124 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_concat_niimgs has length 59 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_as_ndarray has length 152 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_butterworth has length 126 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_clean_confounds has length 136 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_high_variance_confounds has length 62 that exceeds max allowed length 50
nilearn/tests/ CFQ001 Function test_sample_mask has length 66 that exceeds max allowed length 50