RemiRigal / Plex-Auto-Languages

Automated language selection for Plex TV Shows !
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Cannot connect to plex server #54

Open joshuaLareta opened 1 year ago

joshuaLareta commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've been trying out this via docker (Synology Nas) and managed to install it, but looking at the logs it just says ConnectionError: unable to connect to plex server, retrying

The only thing I added in the config is PLEX_URL and PLEX_TOKEN

Let me know if you need any other info

RemiRigal commented 1 year ago

Hi @joshuaLareta ! This error refers to a network connection error. By any chance, are you using localhost in your PLEX_URL ? If so, you might want to put your docker container in host mode or use host.docker.internal instead of localhost. See this thread for more information on how docker handles hostnames.

Otherwise, can you give me the PLEX_URL you are using ? Are you running Plex on the Synology NAS as well ? The dockerized version or the Synology package ?

joshuaLareta commented 1 year ago

@RemiRigal hey, im using my local ip instead of localhost. Also, installed plex on my NAS.


I'm able to view my plex media server just by going into the local ip

RemiRigal commented 1 year ago

I see two issues with your URL:

Le me know if it fixes the issue !

joshuaLareta commented 1 year ago

@RemiRigal sorry typo, it's

still throwing the same error. Any idea?

TERMiNAL-Network commented 1 year ago

Hi @RemiRigal, I have exactly the same problem as joshuaLareta ! Plex has recently changed the authentication system since the data leak, the reset tokens too. (even after changing the token it still does not work).

RemiRigal commented 1 year ago

Plex has recently changed the authentication system since the data leak, the reset tokens too. (even after changing the token it still does not work).

I do not experience this issue on my end despite having changed my tokens and having the most up-to-date version of Plex.

Can any of you enable debug mode (setting the debug parameter to true in your configuration) with the latest version of PAL and share the logs. The ConnectionError: unable to connect to plex server, retrying message should be followed by a debug message with a stacktrace. Thank you !

saviktkr commented 1 year ago

I encountered this error as well and enabled debug mode. The log indicated a mismatch between the SSL certificate address and the hostname. I was able to circumvent the problem by changing my Plex server to prefer (as oppose to require) secure connections and connecting PAL to the server via HTTP instead of HTTPS. Hopefully this helps others who may have been in the same boat.

dom6770 commented 1 year ago

I encountered this error as well and enabled debug mode. The log indicated a mismatch between the SSL certificate address and the hostname. I was able to circumvent the problem by changing my Plex server to prefer (as oppose to require) secure connections and connecting PAL to the server via HTTP instead of HTTPS. Hopefully this helps others who may have been in the same boat.

There's no need to disable requiring TLS. Getting the right URL and Token is quite simple. Just follow the official guide and view the XML document from one of the library items and use it's URL as PLEX_URL. It should look something like this:


With this address it should work. (At least it did for me, I had the same issue with http://local-ip, but with the URL it's working.)

saviktkr commented 1 year ago

I encountered this error as well and enabled debug mode. The log indicated a mismatch between the SSL certificate address and the hostname. I was able to circumvent the problem by changing my Plex server to prefer (as oppose to require) secure connections and connecting PAL to the server via HTTP instead of HTTPS. Hopefully this helps others who may have been in the same boat.

There's no need to disable requiring TLS. Getting the right URL and Token is quite simple. Just follow the official guide and view the XML document from one of the library items and use it's URL as PLEX_URL. It should look something like this:


With this address it should work. (At least it did for me, I had the same issue with http://local-ip, but with the URL it's working.)

Thanks for this. It worked!

winterborn commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing the same issue when I try this: PLEX_URL= or the XML url mentioned above...

Unsure what to do to proceed...