Syntax for component seems broken if a few options are left out. I think they're mandatory in VHDL-2008, but clearly not for prior versions of the language -- or my reference did not mark these words as optional. Anyhow, the following does not scope correctly:
component tacan_ident
port (
ARB : in std_logic;
CE : in std_logic;
clk_80 : in std_logic;
ident_en : in std_logic;
ident_en_edge : in std_logic;
tacan_mode : in std_logic_vector (6 downto 0);
tacan_mode_edge : in std_logic;
id_P_trigger : out std_logic;
id_S_trigger : out std_logic;
id_window : out std_logic
end component;
The problem seems to be the inclusion of the word is after the component identifier, and the inclusion of the component identifier in the end clause.
Syntax for component seems broken if a few options are left out. I think they're mandatory in VHDL-2008, but clearly not for prior versions of the language -- or my reference did not mark these words as optional. Anyhow, the following does not scope correctly:
The problem seems to be the inclusion of the word
after the component identifier, and the inclusion of the component identifier in the end clause.