RemkoDuursma / bootpredictlme4

A predict method for merMod models with the bootstrap
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CI's for glmer (logistic regression) #1

Open jwbenning opened 4 years ago

jwbenning commented 4 years ago


Thanks for making this package! I'm wondering whether this could easily be applied to a mixed logistic regression model, e.g., glmer(cbind(success, failure) ~ x + (1|c), family = binomial)

When I load bootpredictlme4, confidence bands ARE shown in the visreg output for this glmer model, so it seems like it's working. But here you say the package is for use with lmer, not glmer. However, Ben Bolker does use bootMer on a binomal glmer here. Any guidance is appreciated!

RemkoDuursma commented 4 years ago

That's a good question. I don't recall why I thought at the time it was not possible, and Ben B. does really use it like you say. I have not looked into this for a long time, sorry I can't help!