Closed xeryax closed 3 years ago
Since you will be looking at that, a feature request would be to prevent the NPCs from damaging eachother... but i dont know if that is related.
"invulnerability": true would make it so they cannot be killed. What do you mean killing themselves. Each other perhaps?
Apologies, yes, they are killing eachother... i.e. in the config above: "Robocop" is on a team with "AnotherNPC" (not in the config) when Robocop shoots at a zombie from the halloween event that attacked him, he must have hit AnotherNPC. This caused those two to start shooting eachother, and ultimately, one of them dying.
I dont necessarily want them to be invulnerable because i want players to be able to kill them... but i dont really want Robocop to run around killing people I have put on his friends list either.
Does that make sense, or did i overcomplicate?
i don't think there is anything built in to manage that. But, NextGenPVE should allow that level of control.
I will take a look at that!
Thanks RFC!
My human NPCs are killing themselves!!! Its funny as hell, so i am not too upset about it... but... kinda messes with the story.
I am trying to make a zombiekiller to protect my other Story/NPCs, here is his config. { "userid": 1133117860, "displayName": "Robocop", "invulnerability": false, "health": 1000.0, "respawn": true, "respawnSeconds": 120.0, "spawnInfo": { "position": "-130.0731 12.26514 1323.279", "rotation": "0.1231967 0.7964241 -0.1733141 0.5661213" }, "waypoint": null, "collisionRadius": 8.0, "spawnkit": "shredder", "damageAmount": 80.0, "damageDistance": 35.0, "damageInterval": 0.1, "attackDistance": 60.0, "maxDistance": 300.0, "hostile": false, "ahostile": true, "speed": 2.0, "stopandtalk": false, "stopandtalkSeconds": 3.0, "enable": true, "persistent": true, "lootable": false, "hitchance": 0.75, "reloadDuration": 0.1, "needsAmmo": false, "dropWeapon": true, "defend": true, "evade": false, "follow": true, "followtime": 15.0, "evdist": 15.0, "allowsit": false, "allowride": false, "band": 0.0, "message_hello": null, "message_bye": null, "message_use": null, "message_hurt": null, "message_kill": null, "protections": { "Generic": 0.0, "Hunger": 0.0, "Thirst": 0.0, "Cold": 0.0, "Drowned": 0.0, "Heat": 0.0, "Bleeding": 0.0, "Poison": 0.0, "Suicide": 0.0, "Bullet": 0.0, "Slash": 0.0, "Blunt": 0.0, "Fall": 0.0, "Radiation": 0.0, "Bite": 0.0, "Stab": 0.0, "Explosion": 0.0, "RadiationExposure": 0.0, "ColdExposure": 0.0, "Decay": 0.0, "ElectricShock": 0.0, "Arrow": 0.0, "AntiVehicle": 0.0, "Collision": 0.0, "Fun_Water": 0.0 }, "hostileTowardsArmed": false, "hostileTowardsArmedHard": false, "raiseAlarm": true, "message_armed": null, "message_alarm": null, "instrument": null }