RemoteTechnologiesGroup / RemoteTech

Community developed continuation of Kerbal Space Program's RemoteTech mod.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Antenna calculator #112

Open Starstrider42 opened 10 years ago

Starstrider42 commented 10 years ago

On the forums, AdmiralTigerclaw suggested (taking things a little out of their original context) an in-game calculator for the range between any two antennas under the Root range model. This sounds like a good idea, and could make Root much more user-friendly than it is now.

In addition, I propose that any such calculator include a calculation of the cone width that results when you point a dish at a specific planet or moon. Players should get a warning if, for example, the cone is narrower than the target planet.

NathanKell commented 10 years ago

What I think would also be useful--even for the stock rangemodel--is a display that shows your current and max possible distance from your closest link. It will not be very helpful if there are multiple paths, but it'd be a useful piece of info when estimating "just how far out can I take this probe?"

Starstrider42 commented 10 years ago

You mean like #2? :grin:

NathanKell commented 10 years ago

Whoops. Yes, um, that. Teach me not to check all the issues first... :D

erendrake commented 10 years ago

we are nowhere near this but I always envisioned a range assist map overlay like the one from Eve online

It would be more flash than substance, but it is in my brain :)

neitsa commented 7 years ago

I have this idea in mind for quite a moment now.

(side, note; eveonline wiki is now down, the image can be seen through the internet archive)

Although this is not what I was thinking about at first, I really like the eve range display. As of now I only have a simple PoC with the Omni range displayed around the vessel (nothing for cones visualization though...):

That's really something I'd like to see for the next RT major version...