RemoteTechnologiesGroup / RemoteTech

Community developed continuation of Kerbal Space Program's RemoteTech mod.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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VesselRepairContract Problem #834

Open nompeng2 opened 2 years ago

nompeng2 commented 2 years ago

I've recently started KSP again, in career mode, with RemoteTech and a bunch of other mods. And I've found something wrong with a stock contract named VesselRepairContract. When I rendezvoused with the satellite which the contract created automatically, there was no broken antenna, just retracted ones, so I couldn't complete the contract.

I dug in some files, and I guessed it's because of RemoteTech. The contract uses prebuilt craft in GameData\Squad\Contracts\PrebuiltCraft\RepairContract, which uses ModuleDeployableAntenna with a attribute deployState = BROKEN. I opened the savefiles and I noticed the antenna attached to the auto-created contract vesssel has no ModuleDeployableAntenna. As I know, RemoteTech replaces the module with ModuleRTAntenna. Right? Attached zip is craft file and save file. Save file may not playable beacause I uses many mods, open it and find Damaged Kerbin CSS-X Satellite L-7JVR. That's the auto-created satellite.

I'm not sure actually it is because of RemoteTech, but I couldn't get other reason. I hope you can find the solution.