RenaudLN / dash_socketio

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ReadMe #1

Open Simon-U opened 2 months ago

Simon-U commented 2 months ago

Hi RenaudLN,

Thank you for your help the other day in the Plotly Forum.

I updated the ReadMe and added examples, the code from jinnyzor and one more case which I used. It is my first time committing to someone's project like this. Should I push the Branch or make a Fork? What does the process usually look like?

Also, do you have any ideas in which direction you would like to develop this package further? I saw the dash devices package and used your DashSocketIO to link components. Maybe something like the callback_shared might be an interesting addition, or do you rather keep it like it is?

RenaudLN commented 2 months ago

Hey @Simon-U, the process is:

  1. you fork the repo
  2. you create a branch in your fork
  3. you create a pull request to this repo

Regarding next steps for this library I haven't thought a lot further yet, I'm just starting to use it myself so will add a few things I find useful. If you have other ideas of what to add, happy to discuss over a GitHub issue before starting implementing 🙂

Simon-U commented 2 months ago

Sounds good.

I will do that tomorrow. Yes, I also just started seeing what's possible. For me, it was amazing to sync a dropdown across clients.

I will also open some Issues where we can discuss some ideas.

Simon-U commented 2 months ago

@RenaudLN First PR done :D Let me know if you have suggestions or changes. I left a space for your gif in the ReadMe