I would like to document the usage of Datacraft Sozaijiten stock images in Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. The game uses them for the Sinjoh Ruins cutscene (also known as the “Arceus event”). I haven't been able of identifying all of the images, but here's the list (the filenames are taken from HGSS' source code; the volume number goes first, then the specific image code):
Hi there!
I would like to document the usage of Datacraft Sozaijiten stock images in Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. The game uses them for the Sinjoh Ruins cutscene (also known as the “Arceus event”). I haven't been able of identifying all of the images, but here's the list (the filenames are taken from HGSS' source code; the volume number goes first, then the specific image code):
Still unidentified: