RenderHeads / UnityPlugin-AVProMovieCapture

AVPro Movie Capture is a Unity Plugin for advanced video capture to AVI/MP4/MOV files
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[Bug] Timestamp issues when capturing video from camera #373

Open iamarohan opened 4 months ago

iamarohan commented 4 months ago

Unity Version


AVPro Movie Capture Version

5.2.1 - ultra

Which platform(s) are you using?

iOS, Android

Which OS version(s) are you using?

Android 13, iOS 16.7.5

Which rendering API(s) are you using?

Metal, OpenGLES


Galaxy s21 +, various iphone devices (iPhone8, iPhone 12)

Which capture component are you using?

Capture From Camera

Capture mode


Which output mode are you using?

Video file

Video codecs


Audio source


Audio codecs


Any other component configuration

No response

The issue

Hi, I found out that when capturing the video the exact presentation timestamp of the video is not set to the first frame of the video. Currently I am resolving this issue by running an ffmpeg command

ffmpeg -i {realVideoPath} -vf \"setpts=PTS-STARTPTS\" -c:v mpeg4 -crf 16 -preset medium -b:v 10000k -af \"asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS\" -c:a aac -b:a 192k -ar 48000 -r 60 {tempVideoPath}

which corrects the timestamp. However, if I do not do this processing the first frame of the video shows a black screen with no recording. Happens both in iOS and Android image image

### Log output ```shell 2024-03-01 14:10:25.928 30023 30356 Info Unity [AVProMovieCapture] Start File Capture: 888x1580 @ F2fps [RGBA32] vcodec:'H264' audio source:'Unity' 48000hz 2 channels acodec:'AAC' to file: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.lenged.Chelly/files/Captures/ChellyProject_2024-03-01_14-10-25_888x1580.mp4' 2024-03-01 14:10:25.928 30023 30356 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.CaptureBase:PrepareCapture() 2024-03-01 14:10:25.928 30023 30356 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.CaptureFromCamera:PrepareCapture() 2024-03-01 14:10:25.928 30023 30356 Info Unity WorldVideoRecorderManager:StartRecording() 2024-03-01 14:10:25.928 30023 30356 Info Unity d__4:MoveNext() 2024-03-01 14:10:25.928 30023 30356 Info Unity UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) 2024-03-01 14:10:25.928 30023 30356 Info Unity 2024-03-01 14:10:25.930 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (PluginInterface.cpp:71) AVPMC_CreateRecorderVideo - 5.2.1-full 2024-03-01 14:10:25.930 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:53) IVideoRecorder::newVideoRecorder - android api level is 31 2024-03-01 14:10:25.930 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:60) IVideoRecorder::newVideoRecorder - creating video recorder for API 28 2024-03-01 14:10:25.932 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:1248) VideoRecorder::createMuxer - creating file at: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.lenged.Chelly/files/Captures/ChellyProject_2024-03-01_14-10-25_888x1580.mp4 2024-03-01 14:10:25.934 30023 30356 Debug MPEG4Writer PreAllocation disabled. fallocate : Operation not supported on transport endpoint, 95 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:633) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - Media format: 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:634) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - MIME type: video/avc 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:635) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - Width: 888 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:636) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - Height: 1580 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:637) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - Frame rate: 60.000000 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:638) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - Bitrate: 10000000 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:639) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - I-Frame interval: 1.000000 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:640) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - Stride: 896 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:641) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - Slice height: 1580 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:642) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - Colour range: Full 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:643) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - Profile: 8 2024-03-01 14:10:25.937 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:644) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - Level: 2000 2024-03-01 14:10:25.951 30023 30691 Info CCodec state->set(ALLOCATING) 2024-03-01 14:10:25.952 30023 30692 Info CCodec allocate(c2.mtk.avc.encoder) 2024-03-01 14:10:25.962 30023 30692 Info Codec2Client Available Codec2 services: "default" "default0" "software" 2024-03-01 14:10:25.976 30023 30692 Info CCodec setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 2024-03-01 14:10:26.047 30023 30692 Info CCodec Created component [c2.mtk.avc.encoder] 2024-03-01 14:10:26.047 30023 30692 Info CCodec state->set(ALLOCATED) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.048 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig read media type: video/avc 2024-03-01 14:10:26.052 30023 30692 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.053 30023 30692 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.053 30023 30692 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.053 30023 30692 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.053 30023 30692 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.053 30023 30692 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.053 30023 30692 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.055 30023 30692 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater ignored struct field 2024-03-01 14:10:26.057 30023 30692 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater ignored struct field coding.qp.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.057 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig ignoring local param raw.color (0xc2001809) as it is already supported 2024-03-01 14:10:26.062 30023 30692 Info CCodecConfig query failed after returning 22 values (BAD_INDEX) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is Dict { 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 algo.bitrate-mode.value = 3 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 algo.delay.value = 8 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 algo.quality.value = 80 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::float algo.rate.value = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 30 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 20495 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 20484 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.tile-layout.columns = 2 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.tile-layout.order = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.tile-layout.rows = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.tile-layout.tile.height = 256 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.tile-layout.tile.width = 256 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coding.intra-refresh.mode = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::float coding.intra-refresh.period = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coding.request-sync-frame.value = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::i64 coding.sync-frame-interval.value = 1000000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig Buffer coding.temporal-layering = { 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig 00000000: 10 00 00 00 07 20 01 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..... .R........ 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig } 2024-03-01 14:10:26.063 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 2024-03-01 14:10:26.065 30023 30692 Warn ColorUtils expected specified color aspects (0:0:0:0) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecSeeding Seed: codec c2.mtk.avc.encoder, mediatype video/avc, overrideable 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp,0) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-1080p,1.90) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-720p,2.25) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-540p,2.65) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-480p,3.00) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-320x240,0) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax,-1) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-1080p,45) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-720p,43) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-540p,42) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-480p,38) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-bitrate-phaseout,1.75) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setTuningValue(vq-boost-missing-qp,0.20) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setFeatureValue(can-swap-width-height,0) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setFeatureValue(_vq_eligible.device,1) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setFeatureValue(,1) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug CodecSeeding Seed: codec c2.mtk.avc.encoder, mediatype video/avc, overrideable 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug MediaCodec shapeMediaFormat: deltas(1): AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug MediaCodec int32_t android._encoding-quality-level = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.095 30023 30356 Debug MediaCodec } 2024-03-01 14:10:26.096 30023 30691 Debug MediaCodec flushMediametrics 2024-03-01 14:10:26.097 30023 30692 Debug CCodec [c2.mtk.avc.encoder] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 2024-03-01 14:10:26.097 30023 30692 Info CCodec appPid(30023) width(888) height(1580) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.098 30023 30692 Info CCodec app-name: com.lenged.Chelly 2024-03-01 14:10:26.098 30023 30692 Info CCodec VideoController::setValues() isSet [0] 2024-03-01 14:10:26.098 30023 30692 Info CCodec set values for [MT6765] 2024-03-01 14:10:26.098 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig no c2 equivalents for color-format 2024-03-01 14:10:26.098 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig no c2 equivalents for color-standard 2024-03-01 14:10:26.098 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig no c2 equivalents for stride 2024-03-01 14:10:26.098 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig no c2 equivalents for flags 2024-03-01 14:10:26.098 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig no c2 equivalents for encoder 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 10000000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::float coded.frame-rate.value = 60 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 20493 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer = 3 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.color.range = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 3 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.pixel-format.value = 35 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.size.height = 1580 2024-03-01 14:10:26.100 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.size.width = 888 2024-03-01 14:10:26.101 30023 30692 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 3254781982. 2024-03-01 14:10:26.117 30023 30694 Debug BufferPoolAccessor2.0 Destruction - bufferpool2 0xb4000071e07c7c28 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 1, 0% recycled; transfers: 0, 0% unfetched 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t android._color-format = 19 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec Rect crop(0, 0, 887, 1579) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t color-standard = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t color-range = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t color-transfer = 3 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t frame-rate = 60 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t height = 1580 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec float input.time-stretch = 1.000000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t intra-refresh-period = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t latency = 8 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec string mime = "video/raw" 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t priority = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t width = 888 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t android._dataspace = 146866176 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int64_t android._C2MemoryUsage = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t color-format = 2135033992 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t stride = 896 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t slice-height = 1580 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec } 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t bitrate = 10000000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t bitrate-mode = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec Rect crop(0, 0, 887, 1579) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t width = 888 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t color-standard = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t color-range = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t color-transfer = 3 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t frame-rate = 60 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t height = 1580 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec float input.time-stretch = 1.000000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t intra-refresh-period = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t latency = 8 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t level = 8192 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t max-bitrate = 10000000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec string mime = "video/avc" 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t priority = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec int32_t profile = 8 2024-03-01 14:10:26.122 30023 30692 Debug CCodec } 2024-03-01 14:10:26.123 30023 30692 Info CCodecConfig query failed after returning 23 values (BAD_INDEX) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.123 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 algo.delay.value = 2 2024-03-01 14:10:26.123 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.tile-layout.columns = 4 2024-03-01 14:10:26.123 30023 30692 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.tile-layout.rows = 7 2024-03-01 14:10:26.130 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorderAPI28.cpp:229) VideoRecorderAPI28::createVideoCodecPostConfigure - codec name is: c2.mtk.avc.encoder 2024-03-01 14:10:26.130 30023 30691 Info MediaCodec MediaCodec will operate in async mode 2024-03-01 14:10:26.130 30023 30356 Debug MediaCodec keep callback message for reclaim 2024-03-01 14:10:26.130 30023 30691 Info CCodec state->set(STARTING) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.132 30023 30692 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 2024-03-01 14:10:26.133 30023 30692 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 2024-03-01 14:10:26.133 30023 30692 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534] Using basic input block pool with poolID 1 => got 1 - OK (0) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.133 30023 30692 Debug C2Store Using ION 2024-03-01 14:10:26.137 30023 30692 Info CCodecBufferChannel [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 156 - OK 2024-03-01 14:10:26.137 30023 30692 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534] Configured output block pool ids 156 => OK 2024-03-01 14:10:26.141 30023 30692 Info CCodec state->set(RUNNING) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.143 30023 30692 Debug CCodecBuffers [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534:2D-BB-Input] updating image-data 2024-03-01 14:10:26.143 30023 30692 Debug CCodecBuffers [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534:2D-BB-Input] updating stride = 896, width: 888, height: 1580 2024-03-01 14:10:26.143 30023 30692 Debug CCodecBuffers [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534:2D-BB-Input] updating vstride = 1580 2024-03-01 14:10:26.145 30023 30691 Info MediaCodec setCodecState state(0), called in 6 2024-03-01 14:10:26.147 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:759) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - plane 0 row stride: 896 2024-03-01 14:10:26.147 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:760) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - plane 1 row stride: 896 2024-03-01 14:10:26.147 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:761) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - slice height: 1580 2024-03-01 14:10:26.147 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:762) VideoRecorder::createVideoCodec - pixel format: YUV8_420_BiPlanar 2024-03-01 14:10:26.149 30023 30704 Info CCodec state->set(ALLOCATING) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.149 30023 30704 Info CCodec allocate( 2024-03-01 14:10:26.151 30023 30704 Info CCodec setting up 'default' as default (vendor) store 2024-03-01 14:10:26.152 30023 30692 Info CCodecBufferChannel [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534] 6 initial input buffers available 2024-03-01 14:10:26.173 30023 30704 Info CCodec Created component [] 2024-03-01 14:10:26.173 30023 30704 Info CCodec state->set(ALLOCATED) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.173 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig read media type: audio/mp4a-latm 2024-03-01 14:10:26.176 30023 30704 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.176 30023 30704 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: output.subscribed-indices.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.176 30023 30704 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.176 30023 30704 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.176 30023 30704 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.176 30023 30704 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.177 30023 30704 Debug ReflectedParamUpdater extent() != 1 for single value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Info CCodecConfig query failed after returning 9 values (BAD_INDEX) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is Dict { 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 64000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 8192 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 coding.aac-sbr-mode.value = 3 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 2048 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig string = "audio/raw" 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig string = "audio/mp4a-latm" 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 44100 2024-03-01 14:10:26.179 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig } 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:1064) VideoRecorder::createAudioCodec - Media format: 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:1065) VideoRecorder::createAudioCodec - MIME type: audio/mp4a-latm 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:1066) VideoRecorder::createAudioCodec - Channels: 2 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:1067) VideoRecorder::createAudioCodec - Sample rate: 48000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:1068) VideoRecorder::createAudioCodec - Bitrate: 128000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:1069) VideoRecorder::createAudioCodec - Max input size: 65536 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (VideoRecorder.cpp:1070) VideoRecorder::createAudioCodec - PCM encoding: PCMEncoding16Bit 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Debug CodecSeeding Seed: codec, mediatype audio/mp4a-latm, overrideable 1 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setFeatureValue(_vq_eligible.device,1) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Debug CodecProperties setFeatureValue(,1) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Debug CodecSeeding Seed: codec, mediatype audio/mp4a-latm, overrideable 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Debug MediaCodec shapeMediaFormat: deltas(0): AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30356 Debug MediaCodec } 2024-03-01 14:10:26.180 30023 30704 Debug MediaCodec flushMediametrics 2024-03-01 14:10:26.181 30023 30704 Debug CCodec [] buffers are bound to CCodec for this session 2024-03-01 14:10:26.181 30023 30704 Info CCodec appPid(30023) width(0) height(0) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.181 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig no c2 equivalents for flags 2024-03-01 14:10:26.181 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig no c2 equivalents for encoder 2024-03-01 14:10:26.182 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2 config diff is c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value = 128000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.182 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 input.buffers.max-size.value = 4096 2024-03-01 14:10:26.182 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 = 2 2024-03-01 14:10:26.182 30023 30704 Debug CCodecConfig c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value = 48000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 1107298332. 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec setup formats input: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec int32_t sample-rate = 48000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec int32_t channel-count = 2 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec int32_t max-input-size = 65536 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec string mime = "audio/raw" 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec } 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec setup formats output: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = { 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec int32_t sample-rate = 48000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec int32_t bitrate = 128000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec int32_t channel-count = 2 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec int32_t level = 0 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec int32_t max-bitrate = 128000 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec string mime = "audio/mp4a-latm" 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec int32_t profile = 2 2024-03-01 14:10:26.183 30023 30704 Debug CCodec } 2024-03-01 14:10:26.184 30023 30704 Info CCodecConfig query failed after returning 9 values (BAD_INDEX) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.187 30023 30704 Info MediaCodec MediaCodec will operate in async mode 2024-03-01 14:10:26.187 30023 30356 Debug MediaCodec keep callback message for reclaim 2024-03-01 14:10:26.187 30023 30704 Info CCodec state->set(STARTING) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.195 30023 30704 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 1342179345. 2024-03-01 14:10:26.195 30023 30704 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 2415921170. 2024-03-01 14:10:26.195 30023 30704 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 3254792206. 2024-03-01 14:10:26.195 30023 30704 Warn Codec2Client query -- param skipped: index = 3254792194. 2024-03-01 14:10:26.196 30023 30704 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 18 - OK (0) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.198 30023 30704 Info CCodecBufferChannel [] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 65 - OK 2024-03-01 14:10:26.198 30023 30704 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [] Configured output block pool ids 65 => OK 2024-03-01 14:10:26.199 30023 30704 Info CCodec state->set(RUNNING) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.200 30023 30704 Error ion ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument 2024-03-01 14:10:26.201 30023 30704 Info CCodecBufferChannel [] 4 initial input buffers available 2024-03-01 14:10:26.202 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (PluginState.cpp:67) PluginState::RegisterRecorder - Registered handle 63632 2024-03-01 14:10:26.203 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (PluginInterface.cpp:211) AVPMC_CreateRecorderVideo: newRecorderHandle = 63632 2024-03-01 14:10:26.207 30023 30707 Debug libMEOW meow new tls: 0xb4000071c1f12b00 2024-03-01 14:10:26.208 30023 30707 Debug libMEOW applied 2 plugins for [com.lenged.Chelly]: 2024-03-01 14:10:26.208 30023 30707 Debug libMEOW plugin 1: []: 2024-03-01 14:10:26.208 30023 30707 Debug libMEOW plugin 2: [libMEOW_semaphore]: 2024-03-01 14:10:26.212 30023 30356 Info Unity is prepared 2024-03-01 14:10:26.212 30023 30356 Info Unity d__15:MoveNext() 2024-03-01 14:10:26.212 30023 30356 Info Unity UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) 2024-03-01 14:10:26.212 30023 30356 Info Unity 2024-03-01 14:10:26.241 30023 30710 Debug libMEOW meow new tls: 0xb40000717c551800 2024-03-01 14:10:26.241 30023 30710 Debug libMEOW applied 2 plugins for [com.lenged.Chelly]: 2024-03-01 14:10:26.241 30023 30710 Debug libMEOW plugin 1: []: 2024-03-01 14:10:26.241 30023 30710 Debug libMEOW plugin 2: [libMEOW_semaphore]: 2024-03-01 14:10:27.146 30023 30691 Info MediaCodec setCodecState state(0), called in 6 Log after stop: 2024-03-01 14:11:07.529 30023 30356 Info Unity [AVProMovieCapture] Stopping capture 63632 2024-03-01 14:11:07.529 30023 30356 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.CaptureBase:StopCapture(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) 2024-03-01 14:11:07.529 30023 30356 Info Unity <>c__DisplayClass16_0:b__0() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.529 30023 30356 Info Unity d__6:MoveNext() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.529 30023 30356 Info Unity UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) 2024-03-01 14:11:07.529 30023 30356 Info Unity 2024-03-01 14:11:07.534 30023 30717 Verbose MediaWriter Track event err/info msg:101, trackId:2, type:1000,val:0 2024-03-01 14:11:07.534 30023 30717 Info MPEG4Writer Received total/0-length (239/0) buffers and encoded 239 frames. - Audio 2024-03-01 14:11:07.534 30023 30717 Info MPEG4Writer Audio track drift time: 0 us 2024-03-01 14:11:07.538 30023 30356 Debug m.lenged.Chell PlayerBase::PlayerBase() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.539 30023 30356 Debug m.lenged.Chell TrackPlayerBase::TrackPlayerBase() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.539 30023 30356 Info libOpenSLES Emulating old channel mask behavior (ignoring positional mask 0x3, using default mask 0x3 based on channel count of 2) 2024-03-01 14:11:07.540 30023 30356 Warn AudioTrack set(): notificationFrames=-16 clamped to the range -1 to -8 2024-03-01 14:11:07.549 30023 30356 Info AudioTrack createTrack_l(91): AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST successful; frameCount 0 -> 2048 2024-03-01 14:11:07.556 30023 30023 Debug MediaRouter onRestoreRoute() : route=RouteInfo{ name=νœ΄λŒ€μ „ν™”, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=μ‹œμŠ€ν…œ types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024-03-01 14:11:07.556 30023 30023 Verbose MediaRouter Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=νœ΄λŒ€μ „ν™”, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=μ‹œμŠ€ν…œ types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null } 2024-03-01 14:11:07.591 30023 30356 Info Unity capture path: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.lenged.Chelly/files/Captures/ChellyProject_2024-03-01_14-10-25_888x1580.mp4 2024-03-01 14:11:07.591 30023 30356 Info Unity <>c__DisplayClass16_0:b__0() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.591 30023 30356 Info Unity d__6:MoveNext() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.591 30023 30356 Info Unity UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) 2024-03-01 14:11:07.591 30023 30356 Info Unity 2024-03-01 14:11:07.592 30023 30023 Info DecorView notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=false 2024-03-01 14:11:07.618 30023 30023 Info ViewRootImpl@ae164fa[UnityPlayerActivity] Relayout returned: old=(0,0,720,1600) new=(0,0,720,1600) req=(720,1600)0 dur=10 res=0x1 s={true -5476376649504395264} ch=false fn=8 2024-03-01 14:11:07.618 30023 30023 Info ViewRootImpl@ae164fa[UnityPlayerActivity] updateBoundsLayer: t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@4f0f66f sc = Surface(name=Bounds for - com.lenged.Chelly/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity@0)/@0xe88ef7c frame = 8 2024-03-01 14:11:07.619 30023 30023 Info ViewRootImpl@ae164fa[UnityPlayerActivity] mWNT: t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@4f0f66f fN = 8 android.view.ViewRootImpl.prepareSurfaces:2778 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4024 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:2919 2024-03-01 14:11:07.619 30023 30023 Info ViewRootImpl@ae164fa[UnityPlayerActivity] mWNT: merge t to BBQ 2024-03-01 14:11:07.751 30023 30707 Debug libMEOW meow delete tls: 0xb4000071c1f12b00 2024-03-01 14:11:07.781 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer reset() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.781 30023 30709 Info MPEG4Writer Normal stop process 2024-03-01 14:11:07.781 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Video track stopping. Stop source 2024-03-01 14:11:07.781 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Video track source stopping 2024-03-01 14:11:07.781 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Video track source stopped 2024-03-01 14:11:07.792 30023 30716 Verbose MediaWriter Track event err/info msg:101, trackId:1, type:1000,val:0 2024-03-01 14:11:07.792 30023 30716 Warn MPEG4Writer 0-duration samples found: 1 2024-03-01 14:11:07.792 30023 30716 Info MPEG4Writer Received total/0-length (307/1) buffers and encoded 307 frames. - Video 2024-03-01 14:11:07.792 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Video track stopped. Status:0. Stop source 2024-03-01 14:11:07.792 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Audio track stopping. Stop source 2024-03-01 14:11:07.792 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Audio track source stopping 2024-03-01 14:11:07.793 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Audio track source stopped 2024-03-01 14:11:07.793 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Audio track stopped. Status:0. Stop source 2024-03-01 14:11:07.793 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Duration from tracks range is [5098666, 5099999] us 2024-03-01 14:11:07.793 30023 30714 Debug MPEG4Writer 0 chunks are written in the last batch 2024-03-01 14:11:07.794 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer WriterThread stopped. Status:0 2024-03-01 14:11:07.794 30023 30709 Info MPEG4Writer Adjust the moov start time from 0 us -> 0 us 2024-03-01 14:11:07.796 30023 30709 Info MPEG4Writer The mp4 file will not be streamable. 2024-03-01 14:11:07.796 30023 30709 Info MPEG4Writer MOOV atom was written to the file 2024-03-01 14:11:07.796 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer release() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.798 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer MP4WtrCtrlHlpLooper stopped 2024-03-01 14:11:07.798 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Top 5 write durations(microseconds): #1:164 #2:202 #3:239 #4:270 #5:591 2024-03-01 14:11:07.798 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer reset() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.798 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Video track stopping. Stop source 2024-03-01 14:11:07.798 30023 30709 Error MPEG4Writer Stop() called but track is not started or stopped 2024-03-01 14:11:07.798 30023 30709 Debug MPEG4Writer Audio track stopping. Stop source 2024-03-01 14:11:07.798 30023 30709 Error MPEG4Writer Stop() called but track is not started or stopped 2024-03-01 14:11:07.848 30023 30723 Info Unity [AVProMovieCapture] File processing complete 2024-03-01 14:11:07.848 30023 30723 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.MP4FileProcessing:Process(Stream, Stream) 2024-03-01 14:11:07.848 30023 30723 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.MP4FileProcessing:ProcessFile(String, String, Options) 2024-03-01 14:11:07.848 30023 30723 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.MP4FileProcessing:ProcessFile(String, Boolean, Options) 2024-03-01 14:11:07.848 30023 30723 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.<>c__DisplayClass32_0:b__0() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.848 30023 30723 Info Unity System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean) 2024-03-01 14:11:07.848 30023 30723 Info Unity 2024-03-01 14:11:07.854 30023 30723 Info Unity [AVProMovieCapture] - Moving file from: '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.lenged.Chelly/files/Captures/ChellyProject_2024-03-01_14-10-25_888x1580.mp4', to: '/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/ChellyVideos/ChellyProject_2024-03-01_14-10-25_888x1580.mp4' 2024-03-01 14:11:07.854 30023 30723 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.MP4FileProcessing:ProcessFile(String, Boolean, Options) 2024-03-01 14:11:07.854 30023 30723 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.<>c__DisplayClass32_0:b__0() 2024-03-01 14:11:07.854 30023 30723 Info Unity System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean) 2024-03-01 14:11:07.854 30023 30723 Info Unity 2024-03-01 14:11:08.132 30023 30691 Info CCodec state->set(RELEASING) 2024-03-01 14:11:08.132 30023 30691 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 2024-03-01 14:11:08.132 30023 30733 Info CCodec [c2.mtk.avc.encoder] release(1) 2024-03-01 14:11:08.133 30023 30691 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 2024-03-01 14:11:08.133 30023 30691 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 2024-03-01 14:11:08.134 30023 30691 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 2024-03-01 14:11:08.135 30023 30691 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [c2.mtk.avc.encoder#534] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 2024-03-01 14:11:08.143 30023 30733 Info CCodec state->set(RELEASED) 2024-03-01 14:11:08.143 30023 30691 Info MediaCodec Codec shutdown complete 2024-03-01 14:11:08.143 30023 30733 Info hw-BpHwBinder onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 2024-03-01 14:11:08.147 30023 30356 Debug MediaCodec flushMediametrics 2024-03-01 14:11:08.149 30023 30704 Info CCodec state->set(RELEASING) 2024-03-01 14:11:08.149 30023 30704 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 2024-03-01 14:11:08.150 30023 30734 Info CCodec [] release(1) 2024-03-01 14:11:08.150 30023 30704 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 2024-03-01 14:11:08.150 30023 30704 Debug CCodecBufferChannel [] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer 2024-03-01 14:11:08.150 30023 30734 Info CCodec state->set(RELEASED) 2024-03-01 14:11:08.150 30023 30704 Info hw-BpHwBinder onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients 2024-03-01 14:11:08.151 30023 30704 Info MediaCodec Codec shutdown complete 2024-03-01 14:11:08.152 30023 30356 Debug MediaCodec flushMediametrics 2024-03-01 14:11:08.155 30023 30356 Info AVProMovieCapture πŸ’¬οΈ (PluginState.cpp:78) Deregistered handle 63632 2024-03-01 14:11:08.158 30023 30356 Info Unity capturebase: RelativeToVideos 2024-03-01 14:11:08.158 30023 30356 Info Unity d__17:MoveNext() 2024-03-01 14:11:08.158 30023 30356 Info Unity System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Start(TStateMachine&) 2024-03-01 14:11:08.158 30023 30356 Info Unity WorldVideoRecorderManager:OnCompleteFinalFileWriting(FileWritingHandler) 2024-03-01 14:11:08.158 30023 30356 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.FileWritingHandler:Dispose() 2024-03-01 14:11:08.158 30023 30356 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.FileWritingHandler:IsFileReady() 2024-03-01 14:11:08.158 30023 30356 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.CaptureBase:RemoveCompletedFileWrites() 2024-03-01 14:11:08.158 30023 30356 Info Unity RenderHeads.Media.AVProMovieCapture.CaptureBase:LateUpdate() ```
MorrisRH commented 3 months ago

The culprit here is the audio track. The audio capture has got in first and written data before the first video frame has been sent so the start pts of the file is first audio frame.

iamarohan commented 2 months ago

Hi, Thanks for the response. We were busy fixing other issues in our app, so I couldn't get back to you.

I understand the issue. Does this mean that audio capture should be somehow instantiated after I start capturing?