RenderHeads / UnityPlugin-AVProVideo

AVPro Video is a multi-platform Unity plugin for advanced video playback
233 stars 28 forks source link

unity xcode 14 archive build fails with undefined symbol #1320

Closed subhoinreallife closed 1 year ago

subhoinreallife commented 1 year ago

Describe the issue Build target UnityFramework *x Project Unity-iPhone | Configuration Release | Destination Any iOS Device | SDK iOS 16.0 © Link UnityFramework (arm64) 5.4 seconds @ Undefined symbol: _GADUAddKeyword @ Undefined symbol: _GADUAddTestDevice @ Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateAdLoader ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateAnchoredAdaptiveBannerView ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateAnchoredAdaptiveBannerViewWithCustomPosition ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateBannerView ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateBannerViewWithCustomPosition ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreatelnterstitial ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateMutableDictionary ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateRequest ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateRequestConfiguration ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateRewardBasedVideoAd © Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateRewardedAd ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateRewardedInterstitialAd ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateServerSideVerificationOptions ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateSmartBannerView ® Undefined symbol: _GADUCreateSmartBannerViewWithCustomPosition @ Undefined symbol: _GADUDeviceSafeWidth ® Undefined symbol: _GADUDeviceScale ® Undefined symbol: _GADUDisableMediationInitialization ® Undefined symbol: _GADUGetBannerViewHeightinPixels ® Undefined symbol: _GADUGetBannerViewWidthinPixels © Undefined symbol: _GADUGetInitAdapterClasses ® Undefined symbol: _GADUGetlnitDescription & Undefined symbol: _GADUGetInitLatency ® Undefined symbol: _GADUGetInitNumberOfAdapterClasses ® Undefined symbol: _GADUGetInitState ® Undefined symbol: _GADUGetMaxAdContentRating ® Undefined symbol: _GADUGetRequestConfigurationTagForChildDirectedTreatment ® Undefined symbol: _GADUGetRequestConfigurationTagForUnderAgeOfConsent ® Undefined symbol: _GADUGetResponselnfo ® Undefined symbol: _GADUGetResponselnfoDescription

Chris-RH commented 1 year ago

Hi @subhoinreallife,

This doesn't look like an AVPro issue. Are you using GoogleAds, FacebookAds, Admob? Something like that?

MorrisRH commented 1 year ago

Hey @subhoinreallife, I can confirm that none of those symbols are part of AVPro Video. Please check your other plugins.