RenderHeads / UnityPlugin-AVProVideo

AVPro Video is a multi-platform Unity plugin for advanced video playback
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Progressive transmission problem in iOS #16

Closed RaidelRoss closed 5 years ago

RaidelRoss commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug Sometimes with the same video -Show the first frame of the video but it is freeze -The video is shown but it is not heard -The video is heard but not shown -Sometimes AVPro works correctly

Details -We have the videos uploaded to our server, the videos are provided as resources (we do not use Streaming in the server) -The video is played during the augmented reality of Vuforia -During playback, we record a video of what is shown on the screen -For the video recording we use (NatCorder) -For the recording of the audio we use the native microphone of Unity -We do not compile with (Metal) in PlayerSettings -We are using the following function of AVPro (mediaPlayer.Control.SetPlayWithoutBuffering(true);) -We use FFmpeg to process the video before uploading to the server ->For video processing with FFmpeg we use the following command line (-i input.mp4 -preset ultrafast -vf scale='min(320,iw)':'min(400,ih)' output.mp4) -In Android, so far we don't have these problems

Note: We have activated Multithreaded Rendering

the logs do not show relevant information

AndrewRH commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the detailed report. I have a few questions:

1) If you use our sample videos instead, does it work better? 2) I'm thinking that the encoding might be the problem. Have you tried without "-preset ultrafast"? 3) How frequently do you have these problems? Does it happen usually after a certain number of video loads? 4) How many videos do you have loaded at once through multiple instances of the MediaPlayer component?


RaidelRoss commented 5 years ago

thanks for your quick response

  1. If you use our sample videos instead, does it work better? Currently the infrastructure does not allow us to test your video. We will work on it.

  2. I'm thinking that the encoding might be the problem. Have you tried without "-preset ultrafast"? We are trying to remove that instruction (-preset ultrafast) and disabling the (Multithreaded Rendering), if it is corrected we will commit it

  3. How frequently do you have these problems? Does it happen usually after a certain number of video loads? It usually occurs at the beginning of the application, in the first reproduction, but then occasionally happens again

  4. How many videos do you have loaded at once through multiple instances of the MediaPlayer component? We use 1 single MediPlayer component, all videos are loaded using the same MediaPlayer, but only one at a time

RaidelRoss commented 5 years ago

hi we update to (unity2018.3.5) we update to (AVPro Video version: 1.9.12) we removed the call to the method (mediaPlayer.Control.SetPlayWithoutBuffering (true);)

It seems that the problem was solved
