RenderHeads / UnityPlugin-AVProVideo

AVPro Video is a multi-platform Unity plugin for advanced video playback
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Support of looping events (EndLoop, StartLoop) #838

Open midiphony opened 3 years ago

midiphony commented 3 years ago

When a MediaPlayer is set to Loop, an event when the media ends (or starts) playing would be very useful.

We are trying to port our project from Unity's VideoPlayer to AVProVideo. Some features are missing though, in particular events when a looping video ends (or starts), which is supported by the loopPointReached of Unity's VideoPlayer :

I have found these comments in Events.cs of AVPro 2.1.4 :

// TODO:
//StartLoop,        // Triggered when the video starts and is in loop mode
//EndLoop,      // Triggered when the video ends and is in loop mode

However, as I haven't seen any tracked issue related to this, I'm submitting this issue to share our needs 😛

visjack commented 1 year ago

+1 this would be very useful

mikedreambooth commented 1 year ago

Yes this would be helpful. I have a case where I need to perform an action at the end of a looping video so these events would be very convenient.

pilzinho commented 11 months ago


Rockrono commented 1 month ago

I could use it too

Chris-RH commented 1 month ago

No news on this yet. We're a very small team and we tend to make bug fixing our priority, before adding new features. This thread will be updated by a member of the Renderheads team when the feature has been added.