RenderKit / oidn

Intel® Open Image Denoise library
Apache License 2.0
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Error: ImageInput::create() called with no filename #228

Open ddesmond opened 2 weeks ago

ddesmond commented 2 weeks ago


I have managed to setup the toolset to compile oidin on windows10. I can build the solution without error in vs 2022, the oidnTest.exe works, but when i try to load a jpg or exr i got this error:

OpenImageIO exited with a pending error message that was never
retrieved via OIIO::geterror(). This was the error message:
ImageInput::create() called with no filename

my full command would be: oidnDenoise.exe --ldr C:\Users\compiler\mazda_64spp_input.jpg -o C:\Users\compiler\mazda_64spp_input_denoised.jpg

I did pull all from github and setup TBB and ISPCI and passed all possible errors with opeimageio. At the end what works is to use cmake-gui and config then generate then build in vs2022. I do use vcpkg and oiio is from there.

Any clues?


ddesmond commented 2 weeks ago

I have tried to rebuild with the tag 1.4.2 and same openimageio from vcpkg and this compiles and i can load exrs and save out.

I suppose the issue is in newer builds and missing argument to the create imagebuffer or so when passing to oiio.

Which version tag above 2.0 would you suggest to build and have oiio working?


ddesmond commented 1 week ago

bumping for visiblity