RenderKit / ospray

An Open, Scalable, Portable, Ray Tracing Based Rendering Engine for High-Fidelity Visualization
Apache License 2.0
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MPI device.set("setAffinity", 0) causes occasional deadlock / race condition in renderFrame. #358

Open acdemiralp opened 4 years ago

acdemiralp commented 4 years ago

I had a nondeterministic hang in renderFrame for months. I have commented out different parts of the ray tracer code until it no longer happened, and seem to have isolated it to a single line. Among 500 runs, all 500 succeeded without the device.set(setAffinity, 0), whereas only 427 succeeded with this line. There appears to be a race condition which only emerges when thread affinity is disabled.

jeffamstutz commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this!

Just curious, what hardware are you running on? We would love to both reproduce and fix this, and if we can't at least document this limitation.

acdemiralp commented 4 years ago

Dear Jeff,

The tests were run on 4 x intel-R2208WFTZS nodes. CPUs are Intel Skylake Platinum 8160 x 2 per node (2.1Ghz, 24 cores each, 48 cores per node). In case it matters, it was 1 process per node; command was mpirun -n 4 -ppn 1 ./my_app_name. Hope these help. Let me know if I can provide more information.

jeffamstutz commented 4 years ago

Thanks, this is definitely a nice start: that's a very common setup, where I was curious if you were running on an old KNL machine. :)

I'll ping @Twinklebear here as he has been reworking our MPI implementations at a very fundamental level, so this should be on our radar with those efforts.

Twinklebear commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the bug report! The hardware is similar to stampede2 so I should be able to run some tests and try to reproduce this as well. What MPI stack are you using?

If you have time, could you also do a run with OSPRAY_DP_API_TRACING=1 set in your environment for both with and without affinity? This will record a log file per-rank with stats about thread binding/mapping/performance and could give some useful hints as to what might be going on.

acdemiralp commented 4 years ago

I have forgotten to mention this is Ospray 1.7.3 and by checking the repo I found that OSPRAY_DP_API_TRACING is added in 1.8.x. I updated to 1.8.5 however even after several hours of meddling I am getting this tiling problem from #300 (the name no longer reflects the issue): safe

Here is the code that works in 1.7.3 (commenting in setAffinity causes hang):

#include <pars/stages/ray_tracer.hpp>

#include <tbb/tbb.h>

namespace pars
ray_tracer::ray_tracer (pa::partitioner* partitioner, const std::size_t thread_count) : partitioner_(partitioner), raw_communicator_(*partitioner->communicator())
  if (ospLoadModule("ispc") != OSP_NO_ERROR)
    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load OSPRay ISPC module");
  if (ospLoadModule("mpi") != OSP_NO_ERROR)
    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load OSPRay MPI module");

  const auto device = ospray::cpp::Device("mpi_distributed");
  device.set       ("numThreads"       , thread_count      );
  //device.set     ("setAffinity"      , 0                 ); // Causes random hangs in distributed mode.
  device.set       ("masterRank"       , 0                 );
  device.set       ("worldCommunicator", &raw_communicator_);
#if _DEBUG
  ospDeviceSetStatusFunc(device.handle(), [ ] (                const char* message) { std::cout << message << "\n"; });
  ospDeviceSetErrorFunc (device.handle(), [ ] (OSPError error, const char* message) { std::cout << message << "\n"; });
  device.set       ("logLevel"         , 3                 );
  device.set       ("logOutput"        , "cout"            );
  device.set       ("errorOutput"      , "cerr"            );
  device.commit    ();

  auto material = ospray::cpp::Material("scivis", "OBJMaterial");
  material.set   ("Ks", 0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F);
  material.set   ("Ns", 10.0F);

  geometry_   .emplace_back(std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Geometry>("streamlines"));
  vertex_data_.emplace_back(std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(0, OSP_FLOAT3A, nullptr)); vertex_data_.back()->commit();
  color_data_ .emplace_back(std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(0, OSP_FLOAT4 , nullptr)); color_data_ .back()->commit();
  index_data_ .emplace_back(std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(0, OSP_INT    , nullptr)); index_data_ .back()->commit();

  geometry_[0]->set        ("vertex"      , *vertex_data_.back());
  geometry_[0]->set        ("vertex.color", *color_data_ .back());
  geometry_[0]->set        ("index"       , *index_data_ .back());
  geometry_[0]->set        ("radius"      , 0.1F);
  geometry_[0]->commit     ();

  const std::vector<std::array<float, 3>> colors    {{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}};
  const std::vector<float>                opacities {0.0001f, 0.0255f};
  transfer_function_     = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::TransferFunction>("piecewise_linear");
  transfer_color_data_   = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(colors   .size(), OSP_FLOAT3, colors   .data()); transfer_color_data_  ->commit();
  transfer_opacity_data_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(opacities.size(), OSP_FLOAT ,; transfer_opacity_data_->commit();
  transfer_function_->set   ("colors"    , *transfer_color_data_       );
  transfer_function_->set   ("opacities" , *transfer_opacity_data_     );
  transfer_function_->set   ("valueRange", ospcommon::vec2f{0.0f, 1.0f});

  model_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Model>();

  model_->set        ("id", partitioner_->local_rank_info()->rank);
  model_->commit     ();

  camera_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Camera>("perspective");
  camera_->set   ("fovy"      , 68.0F);
  camera_->set   ("imageStart", ospcommon::vec2f{0.0F, 1.0F});
  camera_->set   ("imageEnd"  , ospcommon::vec2f{1.0F, 0.0F});

  auto ambient_light = ospray::cpp::Light("ambient");
  ambient_light.set   ("intensity", 1.0F);
  const auto ambient_handle = ambient_light.handle();

  auto distant_light = ospray::cpp::Light("distant");
  distant_light.set   ("direction"      , 1.0F, 1.0F, -0.5F);
  distant_light.set   ("color"          , 1.0F, 1.0F,  0.8F);
  distant_light.set   ("intensity"      , 1.0F);
  distant_light.set   ("angularDiameter", 0.5F);
  const auto distant_handle = distant_light.handle();

  auto distant_light2 = ospray::cpp::Light("distant");
  distant_light2.set   ("direction"      , -1.0F, 0.0F, 0.5F);
  distant_light2.set   ("color"          , 1.0F, 1.0F,  0.8F);
  distant_light2.set   ("intensity"      , 1.0F);
  distant_light2.set   ("angularDiameter", 0.5F);
  const auto distant_handle_2 = distant_light2.handle();

  std::vector<OSPLight> lights_list = {ambient_handle, distant_handle, distant_handle_2};
  lights_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(lights_list.size(), OSP_LIGHT,;

  renderer_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Renderer>("mpi_raycast");
  renderer_->set   ("aoSamples"            , 0       );
  renderer_->set   ("aoTransparencyEnabled", false   );
  renderer_->set   ("oneSidedLighting"     , true    );
  renderer_->set   ("spp"                  , 1       );
  renderer_->set   ("bgColor"              , 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F);
  renderer_->set   ("camera"               , *camera_);
  renderer_->set   ("lights"               , *lights_);
  renderer_->set   ("model"                , *model_ );

  framebuffer_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::FrameBuffer>(ospcommon::vec2i(32, 32), OSP_FB_SRGBA, OSP_FB_COLOR | OSP_FB_ACCUM);
  framebuffer_->clear(OSP_FB_COLOR | OSP_FB_ACCUM);
  lights_     .reset();
  index_data_ .clear();
  color_data_ .clear();
  geometry_   .clear();
  model_      .reset();
  camera_     .reset();
  renderer_   .reset();

void  ray_tracer::set_volume         (pa::scalar_field* scalar_field)
  if (volume_)

  boost::multi_array<float, 3> inverted_data(boost::extents[scalar_field->data.shape()[2]][scalar_field->data.shape()[1]][scalar_field->data.shape()[0]]);
  tbb::parallel_for(std::size_t(0), inverted_data.shape()[0], std::size_t(1), [&] (const std::size_t x) {
  tbb::parallel_for(std::size_t(0), inverted_data.shape()[1], std::size_t(1), [&] (const std::size_t y) {
  tbb::parallel_for(std::size_t(0), inverted_data.shape()[2], std::size_t(1), [&] (const std::size_t z) {
    inverted_data[x][y][z] = scalar_field->data[z][y][x];

  volume_      = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Volume>("shared_structured_volume"); // "block_bricked_volume"
  volume_data_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(inverted_data.num_elements(), OSP_FLOAT,; volume_data_->commit();
  volume_->set      ("dimensions"      , ospcommon::vec3i(scalar_field->data.shape()[0], scalar_field->data.shape()[1], scalar_field->data.shape()[2]));
  volume_->set      ("gridOrigin"      , ospcommon::vec3f(scalar_field->offset      [0], scalar_field->offset      [1], scalar_field->offset      [2]));
  volume_->set      ("gridSpacing"     , ospcommon::vec3f(scalar_field->spacing     [0], scalar_field->spacing     [1], scalar_field->spacing     [2]));
  volume_->set      ("transferFunction", *transfer_function_);
  volume_->set      ("voxelType"       , "float");
  //volume_->set    ("voxelRange"      , ospcommon::vec2f(0.0f, 1.0f));
  volume_->set      ("voxelData"       , *volume_data_);
  //volume_->setRegion(scalar_field->data.origin(), ospcommon::vec3i {0, 0, 0}, ospcommon::vec3i(scalar_field->data.shape()[0], scalar_field->data.shape()[1], scalar_field->data.shape()[2]));
  volume_->commit   ();

  model_ ->addVolume(*volume_);

  //const ospcommon::vec3f region_lower_bounds { scalar_field->offset[0]                        , scalar_field->offset[1]                        , scalar_field->offset[2]                         };
  //const ospcommon::vec3f region_upper_bounds { scalar_field->offset[0] + scalar_field->size[0], scalar_field->offset[1] + scalar_field->size[1], scalar_field->offset[2] + scalar_field->size[2] };
  //model_ ->set      ("region.lower", region_lower_bounds);
  //model_ ->set      ("region.upper", region_upper_bounds);

  model_ ->commit   ();

  framebuffer_->clear(OSP_FB_COLOR | OSP_FB_ACCUM);
void  ray_tracer::set_integral_curves(std::vector<pa::integral_curves>* integral_curves, float radius)
  auto material = ospray::cpp::Material("scivis", "OBJMaterial");
  material.set   ("Ks", 0.7F, 0.7F, 0.7F);
  material.set   ("Ns", 10.0F);

  for (auto& geometry : geometry_)

  geometry_   .clear();
  color_data_ .clear();
  index_data_ .clear();

  geometry_   .reserve(integral_curves->size());
  color_data_ .reserve(integral_curves->size());
  index_data_ .reserve(integral_curves->size());

  for(auto& iteratee : *integral_curves)
    if (iteratee.indices.empty())

    const auto vertex   = vertex_data_.emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(iteratee.vertices.size(), OSP_FLOAT3A,, OSP_DATA_SHARED_BUFFER)).get(); vertex->commit();
    const auto color    = color_data_ .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(iteratee.colors  .size(), OSP_FLOAT4 , iteratee.colors  .data(), OSP_DATA_SHARED_BUFFER)).get(); color ->commit();
    const auto index    = index_data_ .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(iteratee.indices .size(), OSP_INT    , iteratee.indices .data(), OSP_DATA_SHARED_BUFFER)).get(); index ->commit();
    const auto geometry = geometry_   .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Geometry("streamlines")).get();
    geometry->set        ("vertex"      , *vertex);
    geometry->set        ("vertex.color", *color );
    geometry->set        ("index"       , *index );
    geometry->set        ("radius"      , radius );
    geometry->commit     ();
    model_  ->addGeometry(*geometry);

  if (geometry_.empty())
    const auto vertex   = vertex_data_.emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(0, OSP_FLOAT3A, nullptr)).get(); vertex->commit();
    const auto color    = color_data_ .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(0, OSP_FLOAT4 , nullptr)).get(); color ->commit();
    const auto index    = index_data_ .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(0, OSP_INT    , nullptr)).get(); index ->commit();
    const auto geometry = geometry_   .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Geometry("streamlines")).get();
    geometry->set        ("vertex"      , *vertex);
    geometry->set        ("vertex.color", *color );
    geometry->set        ("index"       , *index );
    geometry->set        ("radius"      , radius );
    geometry->commit     ();

  model_->commit(); // Very heavy.

  framebuffer_->clear(OSP_FB_COLOR | OSP_FB_ACCUM);
void  ray_tracer::set_camera         (const pa::vector3& position, const pa::vector3& forward, const pa::vector3& up)
  camera_->set   ("pos", ospcommon::vec3f{position[0], position[1], position[2]});
  camera_->set   ("dir", ospcommon::vec3f{forward [0], forward [1], forward [2]});
  camera_->set   ("up" , ospcommon::vec3f{up      [0], up      [1], up      [2]});

  framebuffer_->clear (OSP_FB_COLOR | OSP_FB_ACCUM);
void  ray_tracer::set_image_size     (const pa::ivector2& image_size)
  framebuffer_size_ = image_size;

  camera_->set   ("aspect", framebuffer_size_[0] / static_cast<float>(framebuffer_size_[1]));

  framebuffer_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::FrameBuffer>(
    ospcommon::vec2i(static_cast<std::int32_t>(framebuffer_size_[0]), static_cast<std::int32_t>(framebuffer_size_[1])),
  framebuffer_->clear(OSP_FB_COLOR | OSP_FB_ACCUM);

void  ray_tracer::trace              (const std::size_t iterations)
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
    renderer_->renderFrame(*framebuffer_, OSP_FB_COLOR | OSP_FB_ACCUM);
image ray_tracer::serialize          ()
  image image;
  if (partitioner_->local_rank_info()->rank == 0)
    const auto bytes = static_cast<std::uint8_t*>(framebuffer_->map(OSP_FB_COLOR));
    image.set_data    (bytes, * sizeof(std::array<std::uint8_t, 4>));
    image.mutable_size()->Resize(2, 0);
    image.mutable_size()->Set   (0, framebuffer_size_[0]);
    image.mutable_size()->Set   (1, framebuffer_size_[1]);
  return image;

Here is the set of changes I had to make to be able to get the incorrect image out in 1.8.5 (it was showing background color before these changes, I believe that separately has to do with the model only caring about the bounds of the geometries/volumes added before first commit, ignoring any changes in following commits):

#include <pars/stages/ray_tracer.hpp>

#include <tbb/tbb.h>

namespace pars
ray_tracer::ray_tracer (pa::partitioner* partitioner, const std::size_t thread_count) : partitioner_(partitioner), raw_communicator_(*partitioner->communicator())
  if (ospLoadModule("ispc") != OSP_NO_ERROR)
    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load OSPRay ISPC module");
  if (ospLoadModule("mpi") != OSP_NO_ERROR)
    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to load OSPRay MPI module");

  const auto device = ospray::cpp::Device("mpi_distributed");
  //device.set     ("numThreads"       , thread_count      );
  //device.set       ("setAffinity"      , 1                 ); // Causes random hangs in distributed mode.
  device.set       ("masterRank"       , 0                 );
  //device.set       ("worldCommunicator", &raw_communicator_);
//#if _DEBUG
  ospDeviceSetStatusFunc(device.handle(), [ ] (                const char* message) { std::cout << message << "\n"; });
  ospDeviceSetErrorFunc (device.handle(), [ ] (OSPError error, const char* message) { std::cout << message << "\n"; });
  device.set       ("logLevel"         , 3                 );
  device.set       ("logOutput"        , "cout"            );
  device.set       ("errorOutput"      , "cerr"            );
  device.commit    ();

  //auto material = ospray::cpp::Material("scivis", "OBJMaterial");
  //material.set   ("Ks", 0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F);
  //material.set   ("Ns", 10.0F);
  //geometry_   .emplace_back(std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Geometry>("streamlines"));
  //vertex_data_.emplace_back(std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(0, OSP_FLOAT3A, nullptr)); vertex_data_.back()->commit();
  //color_data_ .emplace_back(std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(0, OSP_FLOAT4 , nullptr)); color_data_ .back()->commit();
  //index_data_ .emplace_back(std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(0, OSP_INT    , nullptr)); index_data_ .back()->commit();
  //geometry_[0]->set        ("vertex"      , *vertex_data_.back());
  //geometry_[0]->set        ("vertex.color", *color_data_ .back());
  //geometry_[0]->set        ("index"       , *index_data_ .back());
  //geometry_[0]->set        ("radius"      , 0.1F);
  //geometry_[0]->commit     ();

  model_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Model>();

  model_->set        ("id", partitioner_->local_rank_info()->rank);
  //model_->commit     ();

  camera_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Camera>("perspective");
  camera_->set   ("fovy"      , 68.0F);
  //camera_->set   ("imageStart", ospcommon::vec2f{0.0F, 1.0F});
  //camera_->set   ("imageEnd"  , ospcommon::vec2f{1.0F, 0.0F});

  auto ambient_light = ospray::cpp::Light("ambient");
  ambient_light.set   ("intensity", 1.0F);
  const auto ambient_handle = ambient_light.handle();

  auto distant_light = ospray::cpp::Light("distant");
  distant_light.set   ("direction"      , 1.0F, 1.0F, -0.5F);
  distant_light.set   ("color"          , 1.0F, 1.0F,  0.8F);
  distant_light.set   ("intensity"      , 1.0F);
  distant_light.set   ("angularDiameter", 0.5F);
  const auto distant_handle = distant_light.handle();

  auto distant_light2 = ospray::cpp::Light("distant");
  distant_light2.set   ("direction"      , -1.0F, 0.0F, 0.5F);
  distant_light2.set   ("color"          , 1.0F, 1.0F,  0.8F);
  distant_light2.set   ("intensity"      , 1.0F);
  distant_light2.set   ("angularDiameter", 0.5F);
  const auto distant_handle_2 = distant_light2.handle();

  std::vector<OSPLight> lights_list = {ambient_handle, distant_handle, distant_handle_2};
  lights_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(lights_list.size(), OSP_LIGHT,;

  //framebuffer_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::FrameBuffer>(ospcommon::vec2i(32, 32), OSP_FB_SRGBA, OSP_FB_COLOR);
  lights_     .reset();
  index_data_ .clear();
  color_data_ .clear();
  geometry_   .clear();
  model_      .reset();
  camera_     .reset();
  renderer_   .reset();

void  ray_tracer::set_volume         (pa::scalar_field* scalar_field)
  const std::vector<std::array<float, 3>> colors    {{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}};
  const std::vector<float>                opacities {0.0001f, 0.0255f};
  transfer_function_     = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::TransferFunction>("piecewise_linear");
  transfer_color_data_   = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(colors   .size(), OSP_FLOAT3, colors   .data()); transfer_color_data_  ->commit();
  transfer_opacity_data_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(opacities.size(), OSP_FLOAT ,; transfer_opacity_data_->commit();
  transfer_function_->set   ("colors"    , *transfer_color_data_       );
  transfer_function_->set   ("opacities" , *transfer_opacity_data_     );
  transfer_function_->set   ("valueRange", ospcommon::vec2f{0.0f, 1.0f});

  if (volume_)

  boost::multi_array<float, 3> inverted_data(boost::extents[scalar_field->data.shape()[2]][scalar_field->data.shape()[1]][scalar_field->data.shape()[0]]);
  tbb::parallel_for(std::size_t(0), inverted_data.shape()[0], std::size_t(1), [&] (const std::size_t x) {
  tbb::parallel_for(std::size_t(0), inverted_data.shape()[1], std::size_t(1), [&] (const std::size_t y) {
  tbb::parallel_for(std::size_t(0), inverted_data.shape()[2], std::size_t(1), [&] (const std::size_t z) {
    inverted_data[x][y][z] = scalar_field->data[z][y][x];

  volume_      = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Volume>("shared_structured_volume"); // "block_bricked_volume"
  volume_data_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Data>(inverted_data.num_elements(), OSP_FLOAT,; volume_data_->commit();
  volume_->set      ("dimensions"      , ospcommon::vec3i(scalar_field->data.shape()[0], scalar_field->data.shape()[1], scalar_field->data.shape()[2]));
  volume_->set      ("gridOrigin"      , ospcommon::vec3f(scalar_field->offset      [0], scalar_field->offset      [1], scalar_field->offset      [2]));
  volume_->set      ("gridSpacing"     , ospcommon::vec3f(scalar_field->spacing     [0], scalar_field->spacing     [1], scalar_field->spacing     [2]));
  volume_->set      ("transferFunction", *transfer_function_);
  volume_->set      ("voxelType"       , "float");
  //volume_->set    ("voxelRange"      , ospcommon::vec2f(0.0f, 1.0f));
  volume_->set      ("voxelData"       , *volume_data_);
  //volume_->setRegion(scalar_field->data.origin(), ospcommon::vec3i {0, 0, 0}, ospcommon::vec3i(scalar_field->data.shape()[0], scalar_field->data.shape()[1], scalar_field->data.shape()[2]));
  volume_->commit   ();

  model_ ->addVolume(*volume_);

  const ospcommon::vec3f region_lower_bounds { 0   , 0   , 0   };
  const ospcommon::vec3f region_upper_bounds { 1080, 1690, 152 };
  model_ ->set      ("region.lower", region_lower_bounds);
  model_ ->set      ("region.upper", region_upper_bounds);

  //model_ ->commit   ();

void  ray_tracer::set_integral_curves(std::vector<pa::integral_curves>* integral_curves, float radius)
  auto material = ospray::cpp::Material("scivis", "OBJMaterial");
  material.set   ("Ks", 0.7F, 0.7F, 0.7F);
  material.set   ("Ns", 10.0F);

  for (auto& geometry : geometry_)

  geometry_   .clear();
  color_data_ .clear();
  index_data_ .clear();

  geometry_   .reserve(integral_curves->size());
  color_data_ .reserve(integral_curves->size());
  index_data_ .reserve(integral_curves->size());

  for(auto& iteratee : *integral_curves)
    if (iteratee.indices.empty())

    const auto vertex   = vertex_data_.emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(iteratee.vertices.size(), OSP_FLOAT3A,, OSP_DATA_SHARED_BUFFER)).get(); vertex->commit();
    const auto color    = color_data_ .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(iteratee.colors  .size(), OSP_FLOAT4 , iteratee.colors  .data(), OSP_DATA_SHARED_BUFFER)).get(); color ->commit();
    const auto index    = index_data_ .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(iteratee.indices .size(), OSP_INT    , iteratee.indices .data(), OSP_DATA_SHARED_BUFFER)).get(); index ->commit();
    const auto geometry = geometry_   .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Geometry("streamlines")).get();
    geometry->set        ("vertex"      , *vertex);
    geometry->set        ("vertex.color", *color );
    geometry->set        ("index"       , *index );
    geometry->set        ("radius"      , radius );
    geometry->commit     ();
    model_  ->addGeometry(*geometry);

  if (geometry_.empty())
    const auto vertex   = vertex_data_.emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(0, OSP_FLOAT3A, nullptr)).get(); vertex->commit();
    const auto color    = color_data_ .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(0, OSP_FLOAT4 , nullptr)).get(); color ->commit();
    const auto index    = index_data_ .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Data(0, OSP_INT    , nullptr)).get(); index ->commit();
    const auto geometry = geometry_   .emplace_back(new ospray::cpp::Geometry("streamlines")).get();
    geometry->set        ("vertex"      , *vertex);
    geometry->set        ("vertex.color", *color );
    geometry->set        ("index"       , *index );
    geometry->set        ("radius"      , radius );
    geometry->commit     ();

  model_->commit(); // Very heavy.

  renderer_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::Renderer>("mpi_raycast");
  //renderer_->set   ("aoSamples"            , 0       );
  //renderer_->set   ("aoTransparencyEnabled", false   );
  //renderer_->set   ("oneSidedLighting"     , true    );
  renderer_->set   ("spp"                  , 1       );
  renderer_->set   ("bgColor"              , 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
  renderer_->set   ("camera"               , *camera_);
  renderer_->set   ("lights"               , *lights_);
  renderer_->set   ("model"                , *model_ );

void  ray_tracer::set_camera         (const pa::vector3& position, const pa::vector3& forward, const pa::vector3& up)
  camera_->set   ("pos", ospcommon::vec3f{position[0], position[1], position[2]});
  camera_->set   ("dir", ospcommon::vec3f{forward [0], forward [1], forward [2]});
  camera_->set   ("up" , ospcommon::vec3f{up      [0], up      [1], up      [2]});

  //framebuffer_->clear (OSP_FB_COLOR);
void  ray_tracer::set_image_size     (const pa::ivector2& image_size)
  framebuffer_size_ = image_size;

  camera_->set   ("aspect", framebuffer_size_[0] / static_cast<float>(framebuffer_size_[1]));

  framebuffer_ = std::make_unique<ospray::cpp::FrameBuffer>(
    ospcommon::vec2i(static_cast<std::int32_t>(framebuffer_size_[0]), static_cast<std::int32_t>(framebuffer_size_[1])),

void  ray_tracer::trace              (const std::size_t iterations)
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
    renderer_->renderFrame(*framebuffer_, OSP_FB_COLOR);
image ray_tracer::serialize          ()
  image image;
  if (partitioner_->local_rank_info()->rank == 0)
    const auto bytes = static_cast<std::uint8_t*>(framebuffer_->map(OSP_FB_COLOR));
    image.set_data    (bytes, * sizeof(std::array<std::uint8_t, 4>));
    image.mutable_size()->Resize(2, 0);
    image.mutable_size()->Set   (0, framebuffer_size_[0]);
    image.mutable_size()->Set   (1, framebuffer_size_[1]);
  return image;

I cannot replicate on 1.8.5 due to this other problem. Is there anything I can do to obtain logs from the older version?

Twinklebear commented 4 years ago

The tiling issue is interesting, it seems almost like it's rendering image-parallel but part of the ranks are missing the data. One thing that stands out to me is the bounds you're setting for the model:

const ospcommon::vec3f region_lower_bounds { 0   , 0   , 0   };
const ospcommon::vec3f region_upper_bounds { 1080, 1690, 152 };
model_ ->set      ("region.lower", region_lower_bounds);
model_ ->set      ("region.upper", region_upper_bounds);

Is this being run on multiple ranks? But each rank is given the same bounds (which then overlap?). The bounds you set on the model should be disjoint from each rank and contain just the region of data it owns for rendering, otherwise the compositor won't be able to figure out the correct way to combine the partial images rendered by each rank. If you run this on one rank it may work since you'd have a single rank which owns all the data, but for example with 2 ranks and each assigned half the data it should be:

const ospcommon::vec3f region_lower_bounds { rank * 1080 / 2   , 0   , 0   };
const ospcommon::vec3f region_upper_bounds { 1080 / 2, 1690, 152 };
model_ ->set      ("region.lower", region_lower_bounds);
model_ ->set      ("region.upper", region_upper_bounds);

Unfortunately the profiling stuff is only on 1.8.5 since I added it at that point during the paper work.