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GUI (probably) not being rendered in the distributed MPI tutorials #579

Closed szellmann closed 5 months ago

szellmann commented 6 months ago

I think here a call to ImGui_ImplGlfwGL3_Render() is missing and without that the GUI won't be displayed.

I unfortunately don't have the cycles to test and confirm the issue with this exact code. But I'm currently using a more or less 1:1 port of this class to test a distributed ANARI device, and there the GUI wouldn't show up either. Adding ImGui_ImplGlfwGL3_Render() right after ImGui::Render() fixed the issue in my case.

As further evidence, note that the viewer used by the example apps also does this. Sorry for not being able to provide a repro, but maybe someone on your end can check this without much effort.

johguenther commented 5 months ago

Thanks for reporting! The refactoring in b29ae3efd15f0fb54605b9fb90647a85ade9cf49 also adds the missing draw call, I verified that the GUI is displayed in the MPI tutorials.