The Sintel animated film was made with Blender. Some users would like to render stills from this and similar movies using RenderToolbox.
The Sintel data are available for download. But they are large and cumbersome. There is a lite version that is limited but less cumbersome.
Assimp can read Blender files. But we might not be able to read Blender features that RenderToolbox and renderers don't support, like rigging and animations.
The Sintel animated film was made with Blender. Some users would like to render stills from this and similar movies using RenderToolbox.
The Sintel data are available for download. But they are large and cumbersome. There is a lite version that is limited but less cumbersome.
Assimp can read Blender files. But we might not be able to read Blender features that RenderToolbox and renderers don't support, like rigging and animations.