Closed hblasins closed 8 years ago
Could you attach the results of help patch
from 2015b so that I can see what arguments it expects?
Sure, on my Matlab 2015b it prints
patch Create patch.
patch(X,Y,C) adds the "patch" or filled 2-D polygon defined by
vectors X and Y to the current axes. If X and Y are matrices of
the same size, one polygon ("face") per column is added. C
specifies the color of the face(s) ("flat" coloring), or the
vertices ("interpolated" coloring), for which bilinear interpolation
is used to determine the interior color of the polygon.
For both vector or matrix X and Y, if C is a string, each face
is filled with 'color'. 'color' can be 'r','g','b','c','m','y',
'w', or 'k'. If C is a scalar it specifies the color of the
face(s) by indexing into the colormap. A 1x3 vector C is always
assumed to be an RGB triplet specifying a color directly.
For vector X and Y, if C is a vector of the same length, it
specifies the color of each vertex as indices into the
colormap and bilinear interpolation is used to determine the
interior color of the polygon ("interpolated" shading).
When X and Y are matrices, if C is a 1xn, where n is the number
of columns in X and Y, then each face j=1:n is flat colored by the
colormap index C(j). Note the special case of a 1x3 C is always
assumed to be an RGB triplet ColorSpec and specifies the same
flat color for each face. If C is a matrix the same size as X
and Y, then it specifies the colors at the vertices as colormap
indices and bilinear interpolation is used to color the faces.
If C is 1xnx3, where n is the number of columns of X and Y,
then each face j is flat colored by the RGB triplet C(1,j,:).
If C is mxnx3, where X and Y are mxn, then each vertex
(X(i,j),Y(i,j)) is colored by the RGB triplet C(i,j,:) and the
face is colored using interpolation.
patch(X,Y,Z,C) creates a patch in 3-D coordinates. Z must be the
same size as X and Y.
patch returns a handle to a Patch object. Patches are children
of AXES objects.
The X,Y,C triple (X,Y,Z,C quad for 3-D) can be followed by
parameter/value pairs to specify additional properties of the
Patch. The X,Y,C triple (X,Y,Z,C quad for 3-D) can be omitted
entirely, and all properties specified using parameter/value
Patch objects also support data specified using the properties
Faces, Vertices, and FaceVertexCData (see the reference manual
for more information). These properties do not have a convenience
syntax, but may be specified using param-value pairs. Patch
data specified as XData, YData, ZData, and CData is translated
and stored internally as Faces, Vertices, and FaceVertexCData, and
the original matrices are not stored. When GET is used to query
XData, YData, ZData, or CData, the returned value is computed by
translating from Faces, Vertices, and FaceVertexCData.
GET(H), where H is a patch handle, displays a list of patch
object properties and their current values. SET(H) will display
a list of patch object properties and legal property values.
See also fill, fill3, line, text, shading.
Thanks. I will compare this to the current code and try to fix some time soon.
This is nice: I just learned that Mathworks provides archives of documentation from previous Matlab releases:
You have to log in to view the older docs, which is a pain. But at least they are there.
Hi @hblasins,
I made a PR for this.
It's just a small change to the patch()
syntax, which should be more compatible. Could you try out the change? And if it looks good to you, could you go ahead and merge the PR? Thanks!
The mexximpScenePreview functions makes calls to native patch function, however it appears that there may have been a change in this function parameter list. For example running the Flythrough demo in Matlab 2015b causes the following error