ReneNyffenegger / WinAPI-4-VBA

Windows API for Visual Basic for Applications
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Question about declarations #1

Open Greedquest opened 5 years ago

Greedquest commented 5 years ago

Thanks for putting this together for people to use!

Just a quick question; I see in some of your struct/type declarations, there are things commented out:

Why have you gone with Long over the commented out LongPtr here - I thought it would be for VBA6 compatibility (no LongPtr), but later on you use LongPtr for handles, so I'm just wondering what the motivation for this was. I think function addresses are LongPtr aren't they?

ReneNyffenegger commented 5 years ago

I think function addresses are LongPtr aren't they? --> That's what I believe, too

Why I did that, I don't recall anymore and you're probably right that it's wrong.