ReneR97 / domestika-downloader

Download full domestika courses
49 stars 14 forks source link

Content only partially downloaded #33

Closed renochew closed 2 months ago

renochew commented 3 months ago

Hi, first of all, thank you for maintaining this tool. It is a god sent! :)

I have a difficult downloading one of the course. This one:

It seems all downloaded fine, but half of the folders are empty. But the other half did downloaded successfully.

Just to be sure, I have my ffmpeg.exe place at the same folder as the index.js. Is it correct?

Thank you.

This is the log.json file:


kanishkamad commented 2 months ago

Same here. @renochew Did you find a solution for the issue ?

renochew commented 2 months ago

No unfortunately, hopefully the developer will have the time to take a look at the issue in the future.

ReneR97 commented 2 months ago

Hey, sorry for the late answer, was sick all week so couldnt check this out, Good news is i found the problem and uploaded a fix, just redownload the code and it should work like its supposed to.

The problem was with the "..." at the end of the course name. Windows somehow had a stroke because of it. You might have noticed that there where 2 folders, one with the dots and one without. the one without the dots was empty, the one with the dots had the videos inside it. Now that wouldnt be a problem but windows somehow connected them so when you opened the one with the dots, in reality you would open the one without the dots, which was empty.

fixed it by removing tripple dots from the names before creating the folders.

ReneR97 commented 2 months ago

Closing this issue as it should be fixed