ReneR97 / domestika-downloader

Download full domestika courses
49 stars 14 forks source link

ChatGPT says this about the script #35

Closed nak21 closed 2 months ago

nak21 commented 2 months ago

The provided JavaScript file seems to be a web scraping script designed to download videos from a website. Here are a few potential errors and improvements: Empty course_url: The course_url variable is empty, which means the script won't know which course to scrape. You need to provide a valid URL for a course. Empty credentials: The credentials variable is empty, and the script tries to extract an access token from it using a regular expression. You need to provide valid credentials or remove the access token logic if it's not necessary. Missing fetch: The fetch function is used in the fetchFromApi function, but it hasn't been imported or defined. You should import it at the beginning of the script (const fetch = require('node-fetch');) or use a different HTTP client. fetchFromApi doesn't handle non-OK responses: If the API request fails (e.g., due to invalid credentials), the function returns false without providing much information. It might be helpful to log the actual error or response status code. Potential concurrency issue in logging: In the downloadVideo function, multiple asynchronous exec calls are made to download videos. The debug_data array is shared among these calls, which could lead to concurrency issues if multiple calls modify it simultaneously. Consider using a lock mechanism or logging separately for each video download. Potential filename issues: The filenames generated for saving videos might contain characters that are not allowed in filenames on some filesystems (/\?%*:|"<>). You should handle or replace these characters appropriately. Error handling in downloadVideo: The exec calls in the downloadVideo function are awaited, but there's no error handling for potential failures in the video download process. You should handle errors or at least log them to understand what went wrong. Potential unhandled promise rejections: There are several asynchronous operations in the script, but not all promise rejections are handled. Make sure to add appropriate error handling (e.g., .catch) for all asynchronous operations. By addressing these potential issues, you can improve the robustness and reliability of the web scraping script.

The first two are obvious, but I hope the rest are of some value.